Yoga Teacher Training
(Oct 2014-May 2015, The Yoga Garden, Philadelphia, PA)
I didn’t write a recap about every weekend, but tried to recap most of them. Below are the links to the posts.
Yin Yoga Training
(July – Aug 2017, Yoga Body Shop Johnson City, NY)
Yoga Workshop Fridays
I created this series to explain how to do specific yoga poses for both the beginner yogi and advanced yogi, offering options for modifications or extra challenges. I also list the benefits of the pose in each post. Hope you enjoy the series and if you do the poses, you can hashtag #yogaworkshopFridays and #bridgesthroughlife on Instagram. Also follow me @BridgesThroughLife .
Sun Salutation A (see video in post)
More Yoga Related Posts
Meeting Yoga Girl (Rachel Brathen)
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