I was brainstorming the title for this post and noticed that this is my 111th MIMM. That is a lot of MIMM. My blog is coming up on its 3 year birthday in August. The first two years, I didn’t write that many posts, but I am happy that I have been consistent lately. Anyway 111 is special to me ever since learning about Angel numbers. There are certain times in my life when I am considering a change, usually a big change, like changing jobs, moving or traveling the world (just a few recent examples) and I often find I catch 11:11 or 1:11 on my phone or computer or I see 11 somewhere. I have noticed it comes in waves and shortly after moving to Binghamton, I continued to see 1’s. In some ways, it comforts me and makes me smile when I see them. It also makes me feel like I am going in the right direction. It may sound crazy but I definitely caught them nearly every day leading up to getting calls for my interviews. It’s only fitting that today is MIMM 111 as I start my new job today. I know I will be busier and it is going to be a challenge to get up early and workout either in the early morning or in the evening now, but in the moment I am looking forward to it.
Back to my weekend, Friday was my last “weekday of freedom” as I called it. I spent my morning at the yoga studio, doing a flow class and then some acro play. Acro yoga with people you have never met means you have to build trust with them quickly. Something I realized after class was how it is hard for me to trust people at times. Did you ever do trust falls with your friends growing up? I remember I had to do one in a tap dance class and even though it was one of my best friends at the time, I still struggled to totally let go. In the last couple years, I have really been good at being independent and I think trusting people is still an issue I have. I won’t make this whole post about this, but maybe someday I will write more about it. It was just an observation of mine and shows you how yoga, in any form, is more than just the poses.
After yoga, I came home and Brian and I cooked up some lunch. I know a lot of couples enjoy eating out, but I really enjoy going to the grocery store and making a meal with Brian at home. I think because I am picky due to limiting dairy products and such and just know I will feel better in the end if I cook my own food. I also like how we both enjoy cooking. Usually he handles the meat and I handle the veggies, but this time he threw both the meat and some Brussel sprouts on the smoker outside for a bit. I made some homemade hummus which I haven’t done in a while and LOVED! We topped the chicken with hummus and enjoyed the brussels on the side. Perfect and simple meal. I will take a picture next time.
In the afternoon, Brian and I worked on some cleaning up around the house before he headed back to work in the evening. I then heated up some leftovers for dinner and discovered that Jane the Virgin Season 3 was on Netflix, so I was hooked for a few episodes before calling it a night.
Saturday morning I headed to the yoga studio and did a class and a bit of work for them. I then came home and Brian and his brother were working on making beer (yes this is what I come home to…). The weather was beautiful outside and I enjoyed just standing in the sun for a bit and relaxed for a few hours before heading to Goat yoga. The farmers market in the area was having 2 sessions of Goat yoga as the first sold out quickly. I went to the second session and it was a little chaotic. There was no peaceful savasana in class, but I did enjoy the more vinyasa like flow of the class as I have been going to a lot of more restorative flow type classes. One goat decided to sit on my mat and we did boat pose and I used him/her to cushion my back as we did boat crunches. The goat didn’t mind and just relaxed there for a bit until we had to lay down and it took some shoving from me and a helper to get him up again. I guess he was quite comfy.

I would say Goat yoga was quite an experience. The goats were probably overwhelmed with the amount of people. I don’t think the second session was totally sold out as each session was supposed to have 100 people. They had 20 goats and so many helpers when the goats peed and pooped on and near mats. Luckily my mat remained clear of that, but I did buy a cheap mat at Target for the event and to use outside. I currently can’t get to my storage boxes where I have my cheaper spare mats, so just bought another.
Once I came home, I was able to unwind, write and eventually heat up some dinner. I turned off Netflix early and decided to read for an hour and a bit before getting tired and heading to sleep.
I seemed to sleep really well Saturday night so I was wide awake at 6:30am. I decided to get up and make breakfast. Then I headed out to the gym at 7:30am. I love having a 24/7 gym so I can go whenever I want. I also love having the gym nearly all to myself because no one else really goes at 7:30am on Sunday. I worked on my squats and realized I needed to tone down the weight a bit to work on my form. My left knee tends to lean in and has been aching and I know it has to relate to form. My last set went better and then I moved on to the rest of my workout. After the gym I headed to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week. I didn’t do much meal prep on Sunday though as the first day’s lunch is on the company and I plan to have today as a rest day so I will have time to cook some dinner.
The day was rainy so I read, finishing my book and buying the next in the series. Anyone else understand the dangers of having a kindle and one click payments?! I then baked some cookies and watched some Netflix.
Nothing too much went on in the afternoon. Brian came home and then it was the usual Sunday night dinner. Now to get back into the working world. Hopefully it goes well.
Thanks Katie for the link up.
Would you do Goat Yoga?