Another weekend of training in the books. This weekend went by so fast. I was a little worried about training after such an emotional week, but it went well and I enjoyed it. Friday evening we went over a few modifications for yin when pregnant and then we talked about creating a sequence. We were split up into groups of 3 or 4 and got to work. Two and a half hours flew by as we were assigned a physical body part (my group got legs) and then picked out poses and created a sequence together. We didn’t even really have time to run through the sequence. It was a lot of brainstorming.
I do have to say though, it is a bit easier to piece together a yin class, especially once you have a focus, because there are fewer poses and you only get time for about 12 poses in a class with the long holds. The challenge for me is talking. Talking about why you are doing the pose and what is the pose working. It is a different style of teaching for sure. In our groups, we split the sequence so that we each had 15-20 minutes of teaching and we had to be ready to teach Saturday.
After the emotionally draining week, I came straight home and Brian was home. I gave him the suggestion of making mojitos and I was still wide awake and ready for a snack. We enjoyed some homemade mojitos and I had a slice of leftover chocolate cake and some chips and salsa. Random snacks, but delicious. Then we just had some quiet time, just us and it was nice. Amazingly I stayed up until 11.

Saturday morning I took the opportunity to sleep in. Normally I would weight lift before training, but I knew I wanted to run through my portion of the sequence we created and I actually took a week of rest (more on that below). We also learned that Brian’s grandma passed early in the morning. She was very sick and in the hospital for the past 3-4 weeks. While it is awful to lose another loved one, this one we had time to prepare for and was the best option to pass peacefully. Yes this means I have another funeral to attend this coming Saturday and then I will really be ready for a new month and a new season. This month has been rough and emotionally draining.
Shortly after Brian got up, he headed up to his aunt’s cottage with his brother to work. Brian’s mom headed out to work on funeral plans and I was home alone (with the dogs). I cleaned up my yoga mat, as Lucy has been enjoying sleeping on it so it was a bit dirty. I then wrote up a bit about what points I wanted to cover and practiced saying it aloud and running through it. I loved being home alone so that people didn’t think I was crazy talking to myself haha.
I had just enough time to eat a quick lunch. We still have a fridge so full of food and I needed to make room for more salad stuff for the week. Then I headed over to the yoga studio.
After a quick game of rock, paper, scissors with the group leaders, it was decided that my group would go first. I actually loved this because I was starting and so I had little time to be nervous and then I was able to relax the rest of the time. I got some great feedback and overall felt pretty good about the teaching.
We had a total of 3 yin yoga classes for the 3 groups so that was 3 hours of yin plus feedback time. We ended up running over about a half hour, but the time went so fast and my body enjoyed the opening.
This was actually the first time I had worked out in 5 days. I literally took an entire rest week. With my back and hip hurting, the emotional week and travel time, it was a good week to just take off. I rarely rest for a whole week, but I could tell my body needed it. My back finally was feeling better by Thursday. However, it did have a bit of discomfort during the end of yin so still an issue to address, but the week of rest was good.
After training, I made a quick run to Wegmans, first grabbing a snack (which I definitely ate too fast but was delicious and kept me from buying the whole store) and then followed my grocery list. I only picked up a few items I knew I would need as I we finish food in the fridge and freezer. I figure if necessary I could make a special trip during the week to another store, but so far, I have enough at least until mid week.
I came home and ate more leftovers. Then I just caught up with Brian’s mom and watched some tv for a bit. I also am Lucy’s personal masseuse as evident here. Oh and when I am on my phone, even with one hand, she looks at me, like ummm I need both hands here massaging me.
Not sure when Lucy took such a liking to me, but she is good company. I still can’t get her to jump onto my bed. She is stubborn. But she loves sleeping in the room on my yoga mat or on the rug beside my bed.
Sunday was a nice laid back day and the weather was absolutely perfect (finally!!). I enjoyed a yoga class, running errands and a walk in the park. So so thankful for this beautiful weather. Soaking up every last bit as the daylight hours get shorter.

Next weekend I have 6 hours left of yin training next weekend which may be slightly interrupted by the funeral service I am attending. This 30 hour training went by fast, but again, I will look forward to having my weekends totally back in September.
Oh and today is the day of the eclipse. Anybody going to try to view that? Brian gave me a welding shield to view it through.