Happy Labor Day!! I hope your weekend is going well. If you are on the East coast, the weather was not really the best for the holiday due to the hurricane. I had been planning to head to Chesapeake, VA to visit a friend along with my fiancé, but last minute my fiancé had to work and couldn’t go. Not to mention the hurricane that was coming through the area Saturday.
Anyway, I was able to get out of work an hour early and I decided to drive down myself as soon as I had already packed. Luckily that worked out for me to leave on Friday anyway. I wanted one last weekend at the beach. Saturday may have been bad weather, but Sunday and Monday were predicted to be beautiful [ok so Sunday wasn’t as beautiful as we thought, but we did get to the beach].
I left around 5pm Friday night, picked up a large dunkin donuts iced tea and had a protein bar while I drove through the slow traffic in the city. I only made 2 quick stops, hit rain around 10pm and made it to my destination shortly after 11pm. Boy was that a long day, but due to how anxious I was over driving at night, I stayed alert and wasn’t that tired when I arrived. I got ready for bed and skyped with Brian for a while and then headed to bed around 1am.
The storm hit hard around 5am just as they predicted and I was awake shortly after 6am. Besides the storm waking me up, I was pretty hungry due to not really having dinner Friday night. After a bit of browsing online, I headed downstairs to make a protein muffin I brought with me. Once I ate, I felt much better and I was up for the day.
Due to the rain, our saturday included an hour at the gym, brunching, mall time and lots of relaxing time. Even if we didn’t do much, it was great to have the company.

Dinner was the only decent picture of the day. Caitlin gets Hello Fresh boxes and so we made black bean burgers. They didn’t really stick together well as we flipped them, but the dinner was delicious.
After dinner, this girl didn’t want us to watch tv…
I got to bed at a decent hour, 10pm and slept until 7, which was wonderful.
Sunday morning after chatting with Brian for a bit, I made a protein muffin for breakfast and somewhat entertained the cat, Otto.
I actually took pictures Sunday! So here is my day in pictures.
Reading on the screened in porch
Starbucks stop. Switched it up and tried the Berry Sangria herbal tea which was delicious.
Manicure time.
Panera for lunch. Strawberry poppyseed salad and turkey avocado BLT.
Isn’t it great when you find puppies for sale in the parking lot and get to hold one? Lab-doodle mix.
Walked the beach at Dam Neck Beach and did some yoga.
For dinner, we made a burrito bowl spread of rice, black beans, salsa, guacamole, tomato and some chips and dip. Dinner was followed up with Arctic Zero snickerdoodle ice cream. I have to say that may be a new favorite of mine.
Then it was time to sit back and relax and constantly tell the dog my computer is not food.
Now it’s Monday and time to head home today after some brunching. Hopefully it will be a much better drive in daylight. Maybe I will even stop at a scenic overlook on the Chesapeake bridge (the second longest bridge in the US).
It was a great girls weekend and nice and relaxing, so I am glad I made the drive Friday.
And per Caitlin’s request, here is her lizard.
Thanks Katie for the link up.

What did you do for the holiday weekend?
Did the hurricane affect your weekend?