On Friday we had a crazy snow storm and you wouldn’t even believe that it was 60 degrees just 4 days before that. It started as rain on Thursday night and turned to snow by the time I woke up on Friday. The schools were all closed, but I still had to head into work. The roads were not pretty in the morning and I think it took me about double the time to get to work than usual, but I made it.
Shortly into the work day, we lost power and then it came back on after a few seconds. The only issue was that if you didn’t save what you were working on, you were out of luck. Also add to that, it is month end and so I actually do have a to do list of things to get done, but my one file was not adding up and it took a while to find the error. Then when my co worker found the error and we were working on it again, power out again. This time, it took a few tries before it came back on. Basically I felt like I wasn’t getting anything productive done. I tried to save my file every 2 seconds, not knowing when the power would knock out again. At 10:30, we got the message that the offices were closing and we could leave at 11. They tried to stagger the people leaving, letting the factory workers go first.
I don’t sit by a window, but I walked by the door as I headed to the bathroom and it basically was white outside. It definitely was worse than the morning as we were expecting 7 inches of snow during the day.
At 11, I headed out to clean off my car which went fairly quickly. Then as I was in line to get out of the parking lot, his cousin called me and had me park my car and then drove me home. Thankfully he works at the same place and when he got on the roads before me, he decided to turn around and see if he could catch me, knowing I don’t have 4WD and it was bad.
So I left my car and rode with him. We were crawling along until the one big hill. We ended up at a standstill at the top behind so many cars. Either someone got stuck or crashed or something, but it caused a huge backup. It wasn’t long before Brian’s cousin decided to turn around and show me the other route home. I have only taken the one. It was more back roads which of course the snow is worse on, but because the snow is not as packed down from hundreds of cars, it is also easier to maneuver in I guess.
An hour and a bit later, I finally got home. On a normal day, my commute is 20-25 minutes. Obviously the turn around added time to going home, but I was home safe and hoping my car was safe for the night as the snow continued.
I ate my lunch and then decided to work on my taxes. Of course the internet was not playing nice for a while and I thought for a moment, we were going to lose power. Luckily, I was able to work through my taxes with a bit of help from my dad over the phone and got those taken care of. Yay for being productive on a snow day!
Once that was finished, the internet was working better so I decided to do a short yoga flow from Yoga with Adriene on Youtube and then have some fun taking yoga photos. It has been a while since I have taken a bunch of yoga photos and I need to get back to that.
I was able to do some other work on my computer and I realized somehow 3 hours had gone by and I hadn’t touched youtube (except for yoga) or Netflix. I seem to fall into the routine of coming home, getting something to eat and watching something online just to kill time. I was pleased that I actually got some things on my to do list taken care of and was being productive. This in turn, led me to writing for a bit, which I also need to make more time for.
Finally I caught up on some Youtube people I follow, such as HealthNut Nutrition and my coaches Alessandra and Josh. I was so thankful to still have power and be nice and warm and cozy in my leggings at home with the heat on. You can definitely take those things for granted each day.
I saved my salad for dinner in case we did lose power since salad is cold food. Thankfully we made it through the night and still had power. I decided to have some hot tea later as something warm because all the cold food and sitting around was making me more cold it seemed. I wanted something to watch and I dug into my recorded DVDs pile and pulled out Parent Trap. It was nice doing some foam rolling and laying on the floor as I watched.
Shortly after 8pm, Brian made it home on the roads and I read in bed for a while until I fell asleep.
Saturday morning, Brian took me to my car and it surprisingly didn’t have much snow on it because the snow was so heavy, it just slid off. There was some ice but it was quick to scrape that off and get going. I had a massage Saturday morning and then ran my errands, did some cleaning around the house and took some photos outside because the snow was very pretty.
Later in the afternoon, I headed to a pampered chef party. We made a skinny mac and cheese and some mini bundt cakes. Both were delicious. I only had a bit of the mac and cheese as I try to limit my dairy consumption and it had milk in it. There are so many cute kitchen items and I think I need to set up a wedding registry with them. I am buying a couple little things I want to add to my growing kitchen collection.
It was nice to have a little bit of social time and then head home for the night.
Sunday was a day for working out, doing laundry and running errands. I also built a snowman quickly. He was kind of lumpy and not very round, but still the snow was awesome for a snowman.
Brian was even able to come back home around 4am on Sunday so I let him sleep in and then we hung out in the afternoon. I also really got into baking and tried out a new vegan cookie recipe I found on Pinterest. They came out kind of chewy but still good.
All in all, it was a great productive weekend. Now it’s time to get back to the work week and month end tasks.
What do you do on a snow day?