If not now, when?
“Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you’ll save
Better lock it in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave” – The Pierces “Secret”
OK enough singing, Pretty Little Liars anyone?
I have a little secret you guys. For the last few months I have been planning to leave my job. I have slowly been sorting through my boxes that have barely been opened in the last 2 years when I moved from Chicago. I have been selling, giving away and throwing away items that I no longer need. I used to be very attached to my items whether it be clothes or toys. However after having stuff in boxes in a closet for 2 years and not needing most of it, it became a lot easier to part with. Of course this is a process and little by little I am reducing my amount of things. Another thing is I am not buying unless I really need it. This is why I have mentioned less meal planning and being more creative with pantry and freezer items.
I say all this as I am about to go on one of the most epic trips of my life. In the plan (by “plan” I currently mean in my head as I have yet to officially book anything, I better get on that), is travel around Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, maybe some other parts of Asia and then make our way to Germany, France and London.
I have to say I haven’t set too many expectations for the trip. I simply want to live in the present moment, enjoy the culture, learn and explore this beautiful world we live on. I have been working on being grateful for the little things in life and it truly has changed my perspective.
I can’t think of a better time for this journey. Did you know you can only get an Australian work/holiday visa while you are under 30? Yep now is the time, before settling down and while we are young. This is also why wedding plans have been on hold. We decided we will wait until 2018 as we expect we will need to save up money for a wedding after traveling. At least I do have some price ideas and decoration ideas in my head though, as before I really had no idea.
In case you didn’t know, 5 years ago I studied abroad in Australia. I miss Australia so much! Last time I had no idea of the costs to get around nor did I have the time with studying math there. I can’t wait to see old friends and explore new places and then hop over to New Zealand which I also missed out on last time due to funds and such.
I want to go to Thailand and volunteer at an elephant sanctuary. I know there are plenty to choose from. I would love to experience an overnight stay or a week if I can (though those fill up fast).
I am not expecting this journey to be easy, but it will be worth it. I can’t wait to share my journey with all of you and have stories for my future children.
I grew up pretty sheltered and shy. It wasn’t until college when I finally made that leap to live away from home and then took a trip to Costa Rica to volunteer and then studied abroad in Australia. Those trips showed me I need to get out more and learn and explore nature that surrounds me. I got the travel bug and haven’t stopped. With trips to the Bahamas and Bermuda in the last few years and just plain old road trips through New York state (New York is so much more than just NYC), there is so much to see and I hope as I work hard I can take the time to see more and more.
I know once I settle down somewhere and have kids, travel will be more difficult so I am taking the time now and so happy to have Brian in for the journey too. We are both excited. The “plan” is to be away for 5-6 months unless we find some work that may last longer in Australia and help to fund our way more. Heck our trip may even be shorter of we cant find temp jobs but at least I can say we tried.
My plan for the blog is to share my experiences along the way.
If you have been to Australia, New Zealand, Thailand or Asia, I would love to hear about places to see and remember I am backpacking and on a budget so any tips would be appreciated for that as well. Cant wait to share more!
So secret’s out!! Thanks Amanda for the link up and I hope you guys will join me on my next adventure in life.