We finally had a weekend without rain!! It has been raining here pretty much non stop it seems and even if we get one weekend day without rain, it seems rain is on the radar the next. Water levels are high and there has been flooding in some areas. Luckily we are safe from all that, but I was happy it was finally not raining, as was everyone else. It was obvious everyone was out and enjoying the weather this weekend whether it be camping, cookouts or just riding their bike outside.
My weekend started with getting my finance test out of the way. It was on my mind all week and I planned to take it Saturday morning. Seeing as I couldn’t sleep in with the test on my mind, I was up at 6am on Saturday and made a quick breakfast before sitting down to start my exam. I had a 5 hour time limit and was hoping to be done in about 2…well time flew by and I took 3 hours total before submitting. I checked over my answers at the end and made sure everything at least had an answer. It was multiple choice and there were a few I spent quite a bit of time working on trying to get one of the multiple choice answers. I don’t know my grade yet, but hopefully I did ok. The best part was I was done and it was only 9am. With that off my mind, it was time to enjoy the weekend. I didn’t feel like jumping right into the next homework lesson.
Brian and I decided to take a drive to order a grill. We have a specific one picked out but it’s kind of top of the line and not really sold in this area so we put in an order and hopefully will get a price quote and order it this week. Then we headed to the Syracuse mall. We used to walk the malls together when we were in the Philadelphia area and didn’t have anything to do and it was nice to get out and go to the mall since I hadn’t been in a while. I didn’t have anything in particular I wanted to buy, but we did grab lunch at our favorite Cantina Laredo. I even got a coupon for the first day of summer on Friday in my email and I was like, OK we are going there for lunch.
The mojitos there are my favorite, but I don’t recommend them on an empty stomach especially when you don’t drink often. 2 sips in and I was feeling it and dizzy. I had to wait to drink any more until I loaded up on chips, salsa and guacamole when we got that. Even then I could actually only drink half my drink and shared with Brian at the end. And yes this is why I don’t drink, besides the fact that I don’t like the taste of alcohol and I really don’t like simple syrups as they just upset my stomach.
We ate lunch first and then spent a while walking the mall to walk off some of the food and drinks. Brian wanted a quick massage so he did a 30 minute massage while I wandered the stores and sales racks. I tried on a couple things, but just didn’t love anything. Once we met back up we started making our way back towards the car and passed Old Navy. I found a couple tank tops I liked and tried them on. Since I never know how the clothing sizes will be, I tried on a small and medium. Both fit and looked fine but I decided to go with the medium in case it shrunk at all. I have had that issue in the past where a small fits fine until I wash it and suddenly it’s a crop top.
So I left with 2 tank tops and a full belly. The mall wasn’t crowded at all for a Saturday as the weather was nice and everyone must have been out. We only spent a couple hours there and then stopped to catch up with friends on the way back. By the time we got home it was around 5 and we were still quite full from lunch, but I did make a nice salad.
We also finished Ralph Breaks the Internet which we had started to watch Friday night while eating before I went to study a bit. I actually can’t remember if I saw the first Wreck it Ralph, but oh man the Ralph Breaks the Internet was so good. I was just amazed at the creativity in the movie and the Disney Princesses were a riot!
Once that movie was over, I actually watched a Netflix movie, Mystery Murder with Adam Sandler. I enjoyed just laying around for the evening and decided Sunday would be more of a homework day.
Sunday morning I was surprised I slept in until 7am. That is sleeping in when you usually are awake around 5am for the gym. I had a nice relaxing morning and then made a quick trip to Wegmans for some groceries before starting some homework. Late morning, Brian and I headed to state park to rent paddleboards and enjoyed an hour paddling. We brought along the Go Pro (which I recently had replaced) and it worked great for taking photos while paddling. I need to get some other accessories for the Go Pro though to wear it to get some nice shots.
Sunday weather was so beautiful and with the nice breeze it didn’t feel that hot paddleboarding. On our way back, we grabbed some spedie salads to go and then ate and I finished some reading and working on homework in the afternoon.
In the evening we had dinner with family and then just relaxed. I was so happy to be done with my test and enjoy the weekend out and about. I got some nice sun and finished another bottle of sunscreen. Also my sun shirt worked great for paddleboarding and it was nice to not have to worry about sunscreening my back and shoulders.
Now it’s back to the work week and the last week of June. June just flew by. I hope we have some nice weekend weather coming up just like this one.