As always this month is certainly flying by. I’m enjoying more daylight and sunshine. I think one of my favorite things about our house is the daylight coming into the living room. I mostly get to enjoy that on the weekend, but now with days being longer, I get a little bit in the evenings too. The next two weekends for me are busy between a mini road trip, my bridal shower and some projects and exams to take. I have some new things to share in my Currently post today, so keep on reading.
Current Book: ummm I’m still reading How to Stop Time by Matt Haig..guess I didn’t do a whole lot of reading in February
Current Podcast: Kidding Ourselves. It’s a new podcast which I heard about through The Girl Next Door podcast. It’s about a couple’s journey through adoption.
Current Purchase: Go Pro Hero 5!! The one thing I would say we regretted for our Australia trip was not having a Go Pro for all the snorkeling and swimming. I am excited that I finally got one and will be using it in Aruba for our honeymoon.
Current drink: water…all the water
Current TV show: I need one…nothing really interesting at the moment. Just re watching Gilmore Girls for probably the 10th time lol
Current Food: lasagna
Current want: vacation…I can’t wait to get my toes in the sand for my wedding in May. But first we have a mini weekend trip to Canada this weekend.

Current craving: almond milk ice cream…so happy the ice cream place just re opened and will be taking all my money this summer haha
Current excitement: another cupping massage this week
Current mood: happy, getting used to Brian being home and the spring semester is winding down. I honestly can’t believe it’s almost over. Happy to see the sun out more now.
I need some suggestions on Books and TV shows, so tell me what you are watching and reading.