I can’t believe we are at the last day of June already. This month has absolutely flown by. In July I am even busier so I have a feeling July will go by in a blink, but I am going to try to hold onto this summer weather we have been having and enjoy myself. So honestly I kind of forgot about my June goals, despite writing and posting them on the blog. But I did well at 3 out of 4 so that’s pretty good right?!
OK so recapping June first:
- Continue blogging 3 times a week – I think I missed one week where I only posted twice, but other than that, 3 times a week has been pretty achievable.
- Try a new recipe once a week – FAIL, I definitely didn’t really look up recipes. One week I lived on hamburgers, the next week turkey burgers and this week chicken breast. Nothing really new, just simple meals. Sometimes simple works better.
- Settle into my new job – I feel pretty settled in, though still not entirely sure of daily duties. I have a lot of monthly things and eventually have to keep track of that. I really like the company though and my co workers and I know soon I will get more things to do.
- Weight lift 2-3 times a week – I stuck with 2 days a week as I had plans to follow for 2 days. I will now increase to probably 4 days a week. Met with a trainer this week to work on deadlifts and go over a plan I put together for powerlifting.
So like I said, met 3 of 4 pretty well. Now onto July.
- Study yin yoga – I start my yin yoga training in July and can’t wait to dive into the books I just got for the training.
- Enjoy BlogFest and connect with more bloggers – I don’t know if I mentioned, but I am going to BlogFest in Las Vegas. I am sooo excited to go for the first time. I have read blogger reviews and recaps in the last couple years and have always wanted to go. Glad I could make it happen this year.
- Go to yoga classes at least 2x a week – I have been going to 3-4 yoga classes a week currently, but as I add more weight lifting and start yin training, I think keeping up with 2 a week will be good. Aerial yoga is a must for each week. Check out my post on Aerial yoga.
- Go to Syracuse mall or an outlet mall – I still want to get more clothes for work. Some of my black pants are worn out from the last couple years and it would be nice to replace them. Hoping to hit up July 4th sales this weekend. I specified Syracuse mall as it’s the closest, very large, mall to me now at just an hour away. [Remember I am a big city person and used to having tons of stores to shop at.]I also want to see the Go karts and such that they have there as they were under construction the last time I went there, I believe in 2012?
- Go to a state park for an afternoon to hike and walk around – I really want to take advantage of summer and explore one of the many New York state parks. I think that is the great thing about NY, is having so many state parks. I would love to spend a Sunday with Brian at a park. Unfortunately this means hoping Brian gets a Sunday off, which is probably not very likely, but if it happens, definitely dragging him to a park.

Again I am keeping it fairly simple this month as I find that is the best way to achieve my goals. I know that July will be an exciting month with all that I have planned and I also hope the weather stays nice for more outdoor lunches at work and walks.
Do you have any July plans?