Happy Monday!! I guess we are back to the 5 day work weeks for a while. This weekend I didn’t have too many plans as the rest of my July weekends are pretty busy. Since Brian was still home, we ended up seeing Despicable Me 3 and I have to say, it was so good and funny. You must go see it. I remember I didn’t like number 2 as much as 1, but I think 3 redeemed it. It also kind of ended in a way that there could be a 4th. I love the minions!!
Later in the day Saturday, Brian decided to start working on our new bedroom. He replaced each of the electrical outlets with an ivory color instead of the dark brown and it looks much better with the new paint. We also amazingly brought up our mattress from the basement. We have been sleeping on a Full size bed and I can’t wait until we can sleep on our Queen size mattress again. We have a foam mattress so it folds in half (with the help of bungee cords) and we managed to squeeze it up the basement stairs with it folded in half. It was quite a sight and I totally wish I had a picture of it.
Sunday I went to workout. My gym uses fingerprints to get access and they replaced the fingerprint machine with a new one since my last visit Thursday. Well it took me 15 minutes to get my fingerprint to work. I don’t have great fingerprints…I hope this isn’t the case each time. I think I somewhat figured out the way to set my finger to get it to work.
Since the gym is a major part of my life, I wanted to start to share workout recaps from time to time. I try to keep my schedule similar each week so it would be boring to recap each week, but I just started a new powerlifting plan, so I thought I would give you a glimpse at my week last week.
Last week was a bit different since it was a holiday week and I had Monday and Tuesday off. Since I was getting used to my new workouts, I took those days and went to the gym. Also one of my yoga studios was closed for the holiday week so I didn’t have as much yoga as usual.
Sunday 7/2: squat day at the gym (workout 1 of 4)
Monday 7/3: Deadlift day at the gym (workout 4 of 4) – wanted to do deadlifts on my day off since it was my first time doing them in 5 years and I wasn’t sure how much time they would take me. I learned there may be a reason for having a few days between squats and heavy deadlifts because this was HARD back to back.
Tuesday 7/4: Accessory day, lots of arm focus (workout 3 of 4) – also a new to me workout and I knew I would be out late for fireworks on the 4th so I didn’t want to go Wednesday morning to the gym. I also did a bit of yoga and stretching at home while the boys were out for the day.
Wednesday 7/5: – rest day
Thursday 7/6: – Bench day (workout 2 of 4) in morning, yin yoga after work
Friday 7/7: – rest day
Saturday 7/8: – yoga
So that’s what my week looked like. Ideally I plan to do my weight lifting days Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and in order 1-4, but adjusted with the holiday. I actually love working out on holidays because there are usually fewer people at the gym. Actually the gym was more crowded Tuesday morning than Monday morning when I went, but still no more than 10 people were there.
Looking forward to each of my workouts this week and then starting Yin Yoga training Friday after work.
Do you like to workout on holidays?