Hey guys!! I was so scatter brained yesterday that I forgot I had a post cued up. If you missed it, I wrote a post on my morning routine. I absolutely love the mornings and having a routine to follow helps me kick off the day with a good start. Night time routines…I definitely do not have and really should try to get into better habits in the evenings. I mean I am good about going to bed between 9 and 10, but I feel I need a better “wind down” routine.
Anyway, popping in with a little glimpse from the week so far. I swear lately on Wednesday, it has felt like Thursdays and I am always a day ahead in my head. This Friday is Friday the 13th too. Eeekkkk.
- Getting lollipops at the doctors office is the best. First time at a dermatologist and one of my moles looked suspicious so they removed the top layer to test it. Hopefully it’s fine, but if I have to go back and get it further removed I will and be glad I went in for a check. Planning to do annual visits from here on out.
- When you subtotal 20,000 lines in excel it takes literally a good 5 minutes which feels like forever when you are used to things happening instantly. So I was doodling while I waited. I was afraid to use other programs on my computer for fear it would slow it down further or just crash my computer. Fun Fact: one of my first best friends taught me how to draw this dog and it’s still my go to…those are my art skills.
- Back to aerial yoga this week but gripping and pulling is hard with my sprained finger still recovering. Amazingly weight lifting isn’t bothering my finger too much, it was just the holding onto silks when doing flips or lifting my body weight. Amazing when you don’t realize how important each finger is until one doesn’t function 100%.
- Steak dinner. Brian bought steaks and we planned to eat together last night, but then he forgot he had a class to go to so I was home alone, which wasn’t bad and I still got my steak, already cooked for me when I returned home from work and the gym
- I finished off my breakfast cookies as a dessert after dinner. These are so good and my new go to breakfast whenever I have time to whip them up. I am so tired of hot oatmeal, but not tired of oats in a different form
- I’m on binge with The Girl Next Door podcast again. I have just recently finished up their 2014 (first year) episodes. I just couldn’t listen to the fall episodes when it was summer outside, but now fall and holiday episodes are ok. I also listened to one of their first 2015 episodes talking about money and handling it as a couple. I am always fascinated by what other couples do with managing money. So far Brian and I have not had joint accounts, but I think we will open one soon for some shared expenses (aka wedding saving).
Thanks Amanda for the link up.