This weekend, I headed to Wanderlust Philly. I drove down to Philadelphia to stay with a friend Friday night and then headed out around 7:30 in the morning to head to Wanderlust on Saturday. This last week I think my lack of good sleep has caught up with me and I just didn’t feel great Thursday or Friday, but I didn’t want to miss Wanderlust.
Saturday morning I was feeling a bit better. The Wanderlust 108 event entails a 5k, yoga and meditation followed by mini sessions of hooping, aerial and acro yoga fun. Before the 5k starts, you have time to walk around to different booths. Samsung definitely had the best booth this time around with using the new Samsung note phone and a Bluetooth sticker printer to write inspiring messages. Then we also got fresh coconut water.
I also bought a shirt. I had been getting a bit bored of my workout shirts I live in and need to get some new ones just so my current ones don’t wear out as quickly.

I decided to walk the 5k as I had not really worked out in about 6 days. Somehow this past week I took an unintended rest week.
We couldn’t have asked for better weather. Lately, it has been in the 90s and that would be a little warm for a 5k in my opinion. Philadelphia was the perfect 65-70 degree weather. When the 5k ended, the wind seemed to pick up but overall, the weather was still perfect.
Following the 5k, we got ready for yoga. The 75 minute yoga flow went by quickly and throughout the yoga session, the sun would peak out from behind the clouds for added warmth. I really needed that yoga session. The theme was “I matter, you matter” and it was a bit emotional for me with everything that has recently happened in my life.
After yoga, we dove right into the meditation session. I choose to just lie on my back and listen to our guide. It was nice to have that stillness and peace. I know I should practice meditation more on my own but I do find it difficult to really get still and set aside that time. I am honestly not great at working out at home either.
The meditation session ended around 1pm and although I had signed up for a mini session, I wanted to get on the road, stop for a late lunch and head back to Binghamton. Before leaving though, I quickly met up with a friend I actually met at last year’s wanderlust when we were huddled in a tent together as it rained towards the end of the meditation last year. I then started going to her Friday night yoga class in the city of Philadelphia up until I moved in December. I really miss her classes and it was just nice to catch up a bit and explain just how much I needed this yoga and meditation event with everything that has recently happened.
I got on the road and slowly made my way to the King of Prussia mall. I swear I-76 is always backed up no matter what day or time it is. There are way too many merges. Anyway once I hit King of Prussia I took myself out to lunch at my favorite Mexican place, Cantina Laredo for steak fajitas. I couldn’t remember the last time I had beef and I felt that maybe my iron was low. I do tend to crave beef when my iron is low (or that is my guess).
The fajitas hit the spot and I was stuffed which worked out well to continue my drive. From King of Prussia, the drive is just under 3 hours which wasn’t too bad, except for feeling the wind pick up. I stopped at a rest stop to get gas and it was funny because I was like jogging in place while waiting for my gas to pump. A guy pulled up behind me from Maryland and was like “are you trying to keep warm?” and I said “yeah the wind is really picking up as I drive.” He told me in Maryland it was like 88 degrees and now it was down to 50 degrees so quite the change and not fun for either of us.
I got home around 6pm. I expected that Holly would greet me and she did and wouldn’t stop jumping. Then I discovered that Ella was caged up in my room. After finding her, I decided to let her out to play but wanted to also let her outside first. I’m obviously not a dog person as I usually end up with new bruises and scrapes when they are around. This time I ended up spraining my right middle finger when pulling on Holly’s collar when my other fingers slipped out and my middle one got stuck. Needless to say, it was not the peaceful night that I needed and my finger hurt. [I did get it checked out on Sunday just to make sure it was a sprain and it is; nothing to do but ice and take ibuprofen.]
After showering, I headed to bed around 8pm. I was that tired. I wrote for a little while as I haven’t journaled in some time and I needed it. Then I went off to sleep.
Sunday was just a rest day and I will probably have many rest days this week as my finger slowly heals. No lifting for now, but I will probably go to the gym to use the treadmill or bike and maybe do some lower bodyweight exercises that don’t require pressure on my hands. I’m hoping by Friday that I can go to my favorite yoga class and just take it easy there.
In summary, Wanderlust was wonderful, even if the rest of my weekend wasn’t too exciting, but I did get a little peace on Sunday. I also keep sneezing and think I have some fall allergies going on or maybe getting a cold. Sipping on peppermint tea is wonderful.
Anybody else have Fall allergies?
Have you ever sprained a finger?