Last week was the rainiest week ever! I really don’t remember the last time I have lived somewhere and it rained for 6 days straight. Well it was off and on, but basically 6 days, started Sunday and stopped Saturday morning, so almost 7 days. A straight week of rain was sure good for the grass, it’s growing like a weed. Everything is finally all green. I remember a few weeks ago I was thinking, it’s spring, but the trees still are leaf less. Suddenly as I look out the window, I see all the green trees. I think I missed when they suddenly got their leaves, but I love how it finally looks like spring. The grey days are hard, especially when you work in an office with tons of windows. You sometimes forget how much you use the natural light. I commented to the receptionist Friday how dark it was where she was sitting. The lights were all on, but the weather was grey, dark and rainy Friday so it seemed so dark.
The rain got to me some of the days last week, but Friday, I was antsy to get out of bed at 4:45am (I blame it on all the chocolate pretzels I consumed Thursday) and head to the gym in the morning. I warmed up with some walking on the treadmill as usual, but then I had the energy to push to run for a bit. It’s funny because some people think I am a runner with how much I work out, but my endurance level is just not there, nor is my ankle strength. I am slowly working on it. One day I hope to run a 5k without stopping, but first I need to run 1 mile without stopping…baby steps. Anyway Friday I ran for 3.5 minutes of my time on the treadmill and it felt great. I then went on to work my booty and legs with some squats and lunges. I was so happy and sweaty after the workout.
Then it was time for the work day. The afternoon was slow, it was Friday and we all wanted to leave to get on with our weekend. Finally 4:30 came around and instead of heading home, I actually headed to a new yoga studio that opened last week, Sanctuary Yoga and Mindfulness. I arrived around 5 for the 5:30 class. It was still a bit of the misty rain happening outside and I think there may have been thunder once I arrived at the studio. I checked in and set up a bolster to do some breathing and restorative poses before the class.

The teacher arrived at 5:30 and I was still the only one there. It’s a new studio and not nice weather, so I wasn’t sure who would turn up. I ended up with a private yoga class though which was awesome! The class was titled Glo and Go. It was like vinyasa but we held poses for longer. I actually got deeper into my warrior 2 than I have tried before. Normally a class is so fast paced I don’t have the time to widen my legs and go deeper. I was feeling very open and enjoyed the adjustments throughout the class.
I brought some dinner with me and ate while waiting for the train after class. Luckily the rain had stopped briefly in the time I was heading home. I watched some tv and had a snack when I got home, banana + pb + chocolate. I have definitely been on a dark chocolate kick since having dark chocolate pretzels Thursday, but oh well.
Saturday morning I ran errands and then headed to a pole dance studio. My area doesn’t have any yoga studios, but they have a pole and yoga studio. I have been meaning to check it out for a while and decided May was a good time. I bought the new student 3 class pack for $39 which is a really good price considering drop in rate is $25 a class. It has been 3 years since I took pole class with my cousin.

I have built up my arm and shoulder strength at the gym and that really helped me out in the intro class Saturday. The only issue for me is my sweaty hands. (It’s another story, but I self diagnosed myself with a mild case of hyperhidrosis in my hands and feet years ago.) In the intro class, we basically worked on an easy spin and pulling ourselves up. Next time I plan to take the beginner pole flow class which the teacher said is more dance and pole, which is what I have done in the past. I believe I have the strength (though pole is hard on my right shoulder so I have to be careful) but I need to work on my grip. I ordered some grip and dry hand stuff from Amazon (what did we do before Amazon?!) as soon as I got home so that will be here in time for my next class. What I loved about the little studio is that a few girls were taking a class before and after us so they were eating and cheering us newbies on. I love that support!
When I got home, I ate (a lot, didn’t track macros this weekend) and cleaned up a bit. Then it was time to start baking and cooking. I made some cookies, cauliflower rice and some beef. Though I did get some chicken tacos and guac on Cinco de Mayo, it made me miss tacos at home. I decided to make some beef tacos with cauliflower rice. It makes enough for 4 servings or so, so it will be my dinner a couple nights this week.
Sunday I woke up and it was a bit rainy outside still. I headed to the gym at 8am for a quick and sweaty workout and by the time I finished it was bright and sunny outside. My eyes took some time to adjust as it hasn’t been so sunny in over a week!
I got home, called my parents to wish my mom a Happy Mother’s Day, started some meal prep and had a snack before teaching yoga. My class was very small which I am guessing is due to how popular a mother’s day brunch is. I got home and decided to take a few walking laps around my complex. I had to soak up all the warmth and sunshine after a dreary week.

My afternoon was laid back, cooking, eating and watching Young and Hungry on Netflix. I also took some time to catch up on some reading this weekend.

On another note, next weekend I will be participating in my third Yoga on the Steps (now called Reach and Raise) which raises money for the organization Living Beyond Breast Cancer. I would love for you to donate $5,$10, whatever you can give to help me reach my goal of $250. You can learn more about LBBC here and donate to my page here. Thank you so much!! Hope everyone has a great day.
Did you get outside this weekend?
As always, thank you Katie for the wonderful link up.