This weekend was a busy one. Friday night I got my grocery shopping done after work. When I got home, I got some packages that I wasn’t expecting until Saturday which was exciting. One of my packages was my Stitch Fix box. I need some help finding more work blouses so I was really specific in my notes that the tops needed to be stretchy for my shoulders. Some of my tops I own right now are now tight because apparently my shoulders are bulking up from the weightlifting. I know, I know, what a a problem to have. I was sent 4 tops and a pair of jeans. I didn’t want to buy any pants and I first thought, jeans…how could those ever fit me. Well you know I had to try them on just because and OMG they fit so perfectly and were so soft. I might regret the fact that I sent them back, but I really didn’t need any jeans and since I only wear jeans on the weekend when I leave the house, I knew they wouldn’t get worn so it wasn’t worth the money. Anyway, onto the tops. The stylist nailed it on the soft material and stuck with short sleeve and tanks as requested.
I loved the tank top blouse except for the high neck line and the price tag. So that was sent back. The grey shirt felt a little too casual to me and it was box like so the fit was a little ehhh and sent back. Then I was sent a teal pullover/hoodie type shirt which I never would wear and I didn’t like the fit. Color was great though. I ended up keeping the cheapest shirt which was a simple t-shirt with a cool back design and the material is super soft and it’s flowy. I feel like I can wear it to work or out and about, which I love. Since my stylist did so well with the material and fit of most of the items, I decided to sign up for another box in December and will see if I get more shirts I love. It definitely is fun trying on things you wouldn’t normally pick out, but the price of the tops since they are typically designer is high to me so it’s not something I can afford monthly. It is helping me to find my style though.
Saturday morning I drove to Penn Yan to see my friend and carve a bunch of pumpkins. The drive is about 2 hours, so I listened to two podcasts on my way which helped pass the time in the rainy and grey weather. I also finally got my apple cider donut (or donuts because I bought two) for the season. I stopped quickly at Wagner’s Cider Mill and got some apples and donuts. It was a delicious snack after a two hour drive.
My friend had purchased 120 pumpkins to line her front lawn with. I don’t know how many I carved, but I came prepared this year with a pinterest board of pumpkin ideas and even bought a $10 carving kit from Amazon. The metal scooper was amazing to use and the little saw.

After about 4 hours, busy carving and munching on pizza, I decided it was time to head out. The rain was not letting up anytime soon. It was a good drive back though other than I drank a full water bottle and large iced tea on the way back so I had to find a McDonald’s about 20 miles from home to stop at to pee. When I got home, it was dinner time, but I wasn’t that hungry. I decided to take a hot bath. We were carving in a garage, but it still was a bit chilly and the heat in my car is not fully functioning suddenly so I have to get that checked out soon. I eventually found some snacks to eat for dinner as I didn’t feel like making anything and ate while working on some accounting homework. Then it was time to relax watching season 3 of The Good Place since I discovered that was on Hulu. I crashed hard at 9.
Sunday morning I had some quick breakfast and then got some pork sliced and marinating while I headed to the gym. Once I was at the gym though I just didn’t feel great. I decided to take my workout slow and I made it through most of it, but my head just wasn’t in it. I cut my workout short and headed home. I had homework to work on but I decided to make my stir fry for the week first. Cooking was nice and relaxing.
Then I worked on my accounting lesson. It was a long lesson and there were a lot of videos. This next exam is going to be a challenge with stocks and bonds. Once I was caught up with that, it was time to do homework for my other class, but I took a baking break to make some chickpea blondies.
Sunday’s have pretty much become my homework days, but it works because last week I didn’t have too much to do during the week. I can’t believe there are only 6 weeks left in the semester. It has certainly made the last couple months fly by being so busy outside of work. I am looking forward to December though so I can watch a Christmas movie daily without worrying about homework.
Are you dressing up for Halloween?