Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone!! A pretty normal day ahead for me, work followed by zumba. I wanted to pop in with how I am celebrating St Patrick’s Day. I am not a huge fan of alcohol, drinking or even loud parties, so I have never really celebrated St Patrick’s Day in the way that most young people do. However I enjoy wearing a green shirt or something for the holiday. This year, I stepped up a notch and happened to really be enjoying some green food this week.
Tuesday evening after I got home from work, I really needed a walk outside for some fresh air after the few rainy days we had. I had some kiwis on hand and decided to whip up Erin’s Vitamin C smoothie minus the ginger as I wasn’t feeling that. I enjoyed my smoothie while walking around my apartment complex. I love going down to the river, even though it wasn’t a clear day, being by the water and getting fresh air makes me happy.
For the past couple weeks I have been thinking of avocado cupcakes. I tried making them 2 years ago, but I followed a recipe filled with tons of sugar. This time, I experimented a bit and looked over a basic cupcake recipe and Liz’s recent avocado muffin recipe. They didn’t turn out too badly, they are edible and pretty good, but they were a bit moist. If I make them again and tweak the recipe a bit, I will share it. I also used avocado in the frosting, it was like an avocado buttercream frosting. I do love how green they are though and we shall see which co workers I can get to taste them. I had two last night, one before frosting and one after.
For dinner last night I also made zoodles! I told you I was eating everything green! Along with turkey lettuce boats (check out the recipe I posted yesterday) minus the boat, I shredded up the boat and it was more like a turkey salad?
I just purchased the Inspiralizer, as my current spiralizer purchased from Amazon 2 years ago the handle and plastic around one of my blades cracked. It never stuck to the counter properly and spiralizing sweet potatoes is not easy, though hopefully it will be easier with the Inspiralizer. It was already much more smooth with the zucchini last night. Anyway happy early birthday to me as I could not wait a month for a new one. I spiralize almost weekly.
And now to kick off the day with Amanda’s vanilla mint overnight oatmeal smoothie.
How are you celebrating St Patrick’s Day?