Hello everyone and happy Monday! I can’t believe there is only 1 more week of February left. Though, at the same time, I am ready for March and spring to arrive. The temperatures this weekend were in the high 50s so it was pretty nice. I actually ended up spending most of the weekend indoors relaxing on the couch though as I came down with a terrible cold Wednesday afternoon. My throat was so sore, like hurt to swallow by Thursday, but luckily by Friday the soreness seemed to go away. One downside to working in a city is that you are likely in a tall building. I work on the 32nd floor and when you are sick and your ears pop in the elevator and you can’t unpop them very well. That is not fun! I had to like pretend to yawn to try to actually yawn to unpop them.
This weekend, Friday night after work I headed to Narberth to meet up with a yoga friend. I tried to plan a get together with my teacher training group but it kind of failed as it was just me and 1 other person. She is moving to Charleston at the end of this week so it was nice to see her even if it was just us. We grabbed some dinner and caught up with each other.
Saturday all I had to do was grocery shop and stop at the post office and then I was inside. I did get a lot done considering being on the couch half the day, like laundry and cooking. I decided to make Erin’s vitamin C smoothie to help kick my cold. It was delicious and worth spending $2 on 2 kiwis. I know there are some people that don’t like to drink green things, but isn’t that such a pretty green color?! I feel I should make it for St Patricks Day just because.
I followed that up with more time in the kitchen throughout the day, making 2 Healthy Maven recipes, superseed crackers and sweet potato noodle pad thai. I think besides my blendtec blender, my spiralizer is my second favorite kitchen gadget. Since I love pad thai and sweet potato noodles, it was a match made in heaven. So yummy!!
This was also my first time making a cracker recipe. I think I could have spread them out a little bit more and gotten them to be a bit more crispy but they are good, even though I kind of feel like I am a bird because I am eating so many seeds. That’s alright though, because when I eat my daily salads I feel like a rabbit. I love my healthy eats. This week I actually joined a 7 day sugar detox challenge. It’s definitely going to be challenging, but since I amazingly avoided the 3 plates of cookies at work on Friday, I think I can do it. I have been trying to work on cutting down on the processed foods and sweets since returning from vacation and so far have felt very successful and my body also thanks me for it.
The rest of the day was pretty low key. I did some stretching. I actually just got a new exercise band after watching Alessandra, Fit Girl Moves on Youtube. She recently started a Mobility Monday’s series. I love to lift, but need to work on mobility especially in my hips for squats.
Yoga helps some but I think her exercises will help me with my lifting more if I incorporate them. She also did an ankle video and mobility in my ankles really lacks, as last summer I tried to work on running, my ankles would kill me. I am no runner yet. I think I worked up to running 4 minutes without stopping. I am sure mobility exercises will help me. I definitely recommend her videos if you are a fitness lover.
Sunday morning I was excited to make pancakes. I had run out of almond milk so couldn’t make them Saturday morning. I also discovered sprinkles in the bulk bin section on Saturday so sprinkles on my pancakes was a must on Sunday with some peanut butter and banana.
I got a much needed almost 10 hours of sleep on Saturday night and was finally feeling closer to myself on Sunday. I enjoyed some yoga stretching and then decided to play with arm balances. Glad to know that after 3 full rest days, I haven’t lost too much strength.
I then headed to the gym to teach yoga. I totally overdressed, not realizing it was nearly 60 outside. I made it through the class and then headed home. Since it was so nice outside, I changed jackets and then enjoyed a nice walk around the apartment complex.
Around 2:30 I finally put some lunch together, left over pad thai and broccoli.
The rest of Sunday was pretty uneventful. I made some chicken in my crockpot for the week and enjoyed reading on the couch and relaxing before the work week.
I’m hoping to get to the gym this morning and get back into my routine this week after a few days off.
Do you enjoy trying new recipes?
How did you spend your weekend?