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Hey there and happy Monday!! These days, weekdays and weekends are kinda a blur for me as I job search and am back home. After a week at home and sorting through my things, still downsizing, I am ready to get back into a routine of working again. In a week I am moving to Binghamton, NY and I have been working on applying to jobs so hopefully I find something soon. Meanwhile, let’s look at what I was up to this weekend at home. Thanks Katie for the link up.
It was a very rainy and cold weekend, like 40 degrees outside. Oh and our heat is broken at my house so we have 2 space heaters working overtime and moving from room to room. Basically my room is 63 overnight but that’s not so bad when you are in bed with all the blankets, it just makes it hard to get moving in the morning because you don’t want to leave the cozy bed. Hopefully this rain passes soon, the end of the week and weekend look good. I would rather not have to do my long drives next weekend in the rain so hoping the weather gets better.
On Saturday morning I was supposed to meet up with Susie for a walk for National Infertility Awareness Week, but due to the rain, Susie decided to just do brunch. Most people canceled but I met Ellen from My Uncommon Everyday and enjoyed brunch with her and Susie. I finally got to try the Pancake Flight Susie has posted a few times on her Instagram as we met up at Orange on Clark in Chicago.

After brunch, we happened to be down the street from Molly’s Cupcakes, which is my favorite Chicago cupcake place, so I had to make a stop and get the Cookie Monster and Smores Cupcakes to go. I am going to pretend it is summer with that smores cupcake. Cookie Monster is my absolute favorite. I have had a few different cookie dough cupcakes from different cupcake places and Molly’s still wins as the best. Who doesn’t like a cookie dough filling?!
Once I got home, I made a list for the grocery store and headed out to get some veggies and meat to make stir fry. Usually my dad makes stir fry in his wok on the grill but with the rain and crazy wind, that wasn’t happening. My dad was also busy with work, so I worked on roasting Brussel sprouts and sautéing veggies in a pan. I marinated some chicken thighs for about a half hour and then cooked them in the oven. I will find any excuse to use the oven after not having one for most of our 4 months travel. Plus with no heat in the house, using the oven is always good too 😉 .

My dad was happy to come home right as I pulled the chicken thighs out of the oven. I guess the only thing I have to work on is keeping everything hot when I cook things in batches. The Brussel sprouts were cold after everything was done and while I don’t mind eating them room temp or cold, others might.
We had the cupcakes for dessert, I had half of each and my dad ate the other halves. Then we headed out to my high school to see the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. Apparently my parents both like that musical, but I had never seen it and had to familiarize myself with the story line a bit. I hadn’t been in my high school auditorium in 9 years since I graduated (this makes me feel old), so it was a bit weird to be back, but my high school definitely does great performances and the main leads were amazing singers.
As soon as I got home, it was off to bed. I think that was my first night in a week staying up past 10pm! I slept like a rock too, so that was good.
Sunday morning I was up at 7 which is better than the 6am time I have been waking up. I’m sure the rainy cloudy morning helped me sleep in. I made some breakfast and then waited until 9am when Kohl’s opened and headed out. I needed some new sneakers as I threw mine out after my trip (well worn) and I had $15 in coupon rewards. I finally decided on a pair of the Gel Flux 4 Asics. I previously had the Gel Flux 2. I have been wearing Asics since college now and they work so I haven’t changed.
When I returned from the store, I worked on blog posts for a while before having some lunch and then heading out to my friend’s dance show.
Following the show, I headed over to my friend’s house and somehow we ate a snack and talked and 4 hours went by. I figured by then it was time to head home as she had studying to do and it was getting late. It was great to catch up though as I obviously had so many stories after 4 months of travel.
All in all it was a great and busy weekend. Great time catching up with friends and doing indoor activities since it was raining and 40 degrees. Now that it is May (I still can’t believe that), I hope the weather starts to get a bit warmer, I mean, at least the 60s would be better.
What’s your favorite rainy day activity?