I don’t know where time has gone recently, but here we are about mid way through 2023. It seems fitting to write this as I’m about to pack up my current apartment and move around the corner to another. Hard to believe that just over a year ago, I got my job offer and was searching for a place to live in the Philadelphia suburbs. I’ll continue to say how magical the last year has been.
This post is inspired by Ashley. She posed some good questions to reflect on 2023 so far and I wrote out some answers to some.
- What’s one area where you have really excelled so far in 2023? How can you do more of that?
Swimming. I completed my goal of swimming a 1 mile open water swim. If you missed my first 1/2 mile swim, the recap is here. I’ve now swam in the river 4 times, 2 being practice swims. I feel so much more comfortable now than the first time. My 1 mile time was just under 39 minutes, which is slow, but I achieved my goal of finishing. I signed up for another 1 mile in July to see if I can cut some time off, but all of this is purely for fun to challenge myself.
My goal in the summer months is to swim 3 times a week and now incorporating river swim practices when I can. I always tend to repeat “just keep swimming, swimming, swimming” in my head since there isn’t a wall to bounce off of in the open water.
- Something that you are proud of so far in 2023?
I wanted to add this question because as of May, I have been with my company for 1 year. To some that’s no time at all, but I just find myself more excited to work for this company each day. I think of my new job in terms of quarters of the year. I’ve completed a full cycle of each quarter and have a better understanding of what tasks need to be completed each quarter. While things are certainly not where we hoped to be by this time in terms of software and processes, I’m excited for more learning and growing ahead. Also my type A brain is glad to know a bit of what to expect for this second half of the year to be more organized and work ahead when I can.
Second thing I am proud of is being able to do 3 pull ups unassisted. It has been years, (pre COVID), that I could do pull ups unassisted. I took a 2 week pull up challenge in February and made it my workout program. After about 10-12 weeks, I tested my unassisted and surprised myself getting a few.
- What’s one area where you really need to make some improvements in the second half of 2023?
I want to rework my weight lifting routine. As mentioned above, I reached my goal of doing a few unassisted pull ups. I’m still working on getting more than 3 in a row, but proud of my progress. My current program is 4 days a week. With swimming, it’s more realistic that I get 3 weight sessions a week. I’m trying to brainstorm the best split for 3 days to continue to build my strength. I would like to incorporate bench press again and unilateral exercises as I know one side is much stronger than the other.
- What are some fun activities you want to do by the end of 2023?
In terms of activities, I am using my vacation time this year for more ‘staycations’ around Philadelphia. I want to take a day trip to the beach, paddleboard with a friend and continue to explore more parks.
In the past, I constantly used to think about where can we fly this year? With my focus on saving money, I’m not taking any flights this year. It’s strange, but this year I’m so excited because there is so much to do around Philadelphia, including many outdoor activities.
- What’s one thing you want to do for your health by the end of 2023?
Continue to find ways to eat more protein. I don’t know about you, but I’m struggling with getting in enough protein. Can I increase the meat portions in my lunch and dinner? Sure, and I have, often eating 5-6oz at a time. However, I then get tired of meat. I’ve been trying to make more bean salads to have on the side of my meat, that way both items on my plate have protein. I make most of my food on the weekend so I can just heat it up or assemble a salad quickly. Trying some new recipes to switch things up and will see how it goes.
- How do you want to feel at the end of 2023?
I want to continue to appreciate each day and feel that I am right where I need to be. I have so much gratitude for the last year and how the stars aligned with my job and new friends that have come into my life. I couldn’t have pictured this life a year ago, but it’s so fulfilling. I even find myself to be more outgoing than my past self. I try to make new connections with people I meet. I go to activities like yoga and swimming to meet people. I’d like to meet more people in my apartment complex.
- Do you want to adjust your goals to finish out 2023?
I would say adjusting the “buying a house” goal in terms of it will come when the time is right. At the beginning of 2023, I was so set on trying to buy a house by spring that I became so anxious. By signing another 12 month lease for an apartment, I feel peace and calm. We have time. I love the area where I live, so if we can find a house not far from where my apartment is, that would be ideal. I want to be able to find a house I can see myself in for many years and I don’t want to rush that. The housing market is crazy in the Philadelphia area. I’m happy to take more time to save money and find the right house for us. I’m casually searching and watching the housing market, but not ready to put in any offers yet. In winter, we will reassess and see what is happening with the market.
Did you set any goals this year?
Have you achieved some of your goals or do you need to adjust them?

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I’m glad that you are feeling happy and fulfilled with life and your new job. I’m also proud of your physical fitness and commitment to swimming! Love, Mom
I’m so glad things are, so far, positive in Philly. Hope the move to the new apartment (bigger?) went smoothly and that you are settling – or have settled! – in. Which river are you swimming in?
The move went smoothly and all settled in. I’m swimming in the schuylkill river