I took this 12 Things Tuesday idea from Jordan of The Balanced Blonde blog. I have really been loving her updates this way and thought it would be a fun way to catch up since it has been a while.
- Today is 3.14 which is Pi day!! I love celebrating this day since I was a math major. It has become my annual tradition to make mini apple pies each year. I made these beauties on Sunday since I knew I wouldn’t have time Monday night.
- Pillsbury came out with mini pie crusts, they are pre cut shapes in a roll of dough and this made the process of mini pies so much easier this year. I’ll definitely be buying these again.
3. My current candle obsession is State of Being Co. I was gifted Fearless on my mini yoga retreat in February. I haven’t had a candle since my pumpkin one in the Fall and I didn’t realize how much I missed having a candle to light when I was home for the evening. These candles make the ritual of lighting a candle in the evening better because they come with an affirmation. I light the candle and say the affirmation out loud which makes it an experience.
4. During my mini yoga retreat last month, we talked about journaling and while I have journaled in the past, I have not done a lot of writing recently. After the retreat I had a lot to reflect on so I went back to journaling. The first week back I journaled every day. I have been keeping up with 5-6 times a week journaling lately and it feels good.
5. This year I’m finally jumping on the Friends bandwagon. I’ve never watched it before and I’m already on season 3. I absolutely love it!!
6. This is the first year in a very long time that I don’t plan to rewatch Gilmore Girls since I’m watching Friends. Gilmore Girls has always been my comfort, play in the background show. This year I needed something new.
7. I did a pull up challenge at the end of February that gave me a refresh on my weight lifting workout routine. I’m continuing to follow the program even after the 2 week challenge ended. I’m working on slowly increasing my number of sets or weights. I know I’m so close to doing bodyweight pull ups again.
8. Currently I’m swimming 2 times a week. The past couple weeks have been on my own at the gym, but sometimes I drop into a coached swim session at a local pool. I already feel like my speed is increasing from a few “workout” style swim sessions rather than my usual steady swimming until I reach X laps.
9. March has been colder than February in Philly and even though February was on the warmer side, I’m now over these winter temps. This past weekend was very dreary weather. I look forward to more sunshine days.
10. The past couple weeks when it was sunny and nice on the weekend, I started taking 5 mile walks. To some this may seem like a far distance, but I put on music and just walk a trail loop. It takes me a bit over an hour and it’s so nice to get the fresh air and nature.

11. Speaking of music, I recently started paying for Spotify. I’ve never been a big music person, but also on the retreat, I learned about Frequency Music and started playing those playlists on my walks. It’s so soothing.
12. Also music related, I’m currently obsessed with PINK’s new album. Anyone else?
And that’s my 12 things. I like this style for catching up with what has been on my mind and what I’m currently enjoying. I can’t believe we are already halfway through March this week.

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Love these kinds of updates. And yes to PI DAY! Love your little pies.
Hope your weather has warmed up somewhat.