If you read my Portugal recaps, the first one mentions how I got a job offer when I got to the airport. The story for this is pretty amazing with signs from the universe and the timing of everything.
I usually post something around my birthday each year, but I didn’t this year. Truthfully, my birthday week was emotional for me. There were definitely a couple reasons for that. Firstly, it was the one year mark of losing one of my friends unexpectedly. Last year on my birthday, I was putting together photos of her in a frame.
Secondly, I had hoped I would have a new job by the time of my birthday. I haven’t posted much on my blog over the last year and that’s because one of my main focuses was job searching. After finishing my MBA last May, I have been searching for a job in analytics to use my new skills. It has been a long year of applying to various jobs. Brian and I also talked about moving. My job search started in Texas, but eventually I switched gears to search in Philadelphia last Fall. A few reasons for this; Philadelphia is about a 3 hour drive from our current house, I had more connections there and I loved living in the Philadelphia suburbs from 2014-2016. Over the course of the job search, I looked into various analytic roles. Given my work experience in finance and accounting, I looked into Financial Analyst roles for something new. I’m very excited that this is the role I accepted.
About 8 months ago, I put down a deposit on the Portugal Yoga Retreat. I told my manager I needed coverage for my job. Over the last few years, I have strategically taken my vacations on the third week of the month, my least busy time, but I have no control over dates for a yoga retreat. The retreat being the last week of the month meant that I needed back up for my work before I returned for month end duties. The tricky thing was that my role has recently needed to be split between 2 people due to new segregation of duty rules. While I had coverage for half my role, I didn’t for the other half. March 1st, we gained another person and I spent the majority of March training.
In the second week of April when my birthday came around, part of me felt like a failure on not having a new job. At this point, I had slowed down on applying to jobs, I had a phone screen interview coming up but not much else. I did have a wonderful birthday weekend with friends in town. It was nice to host my friends and have people to celebrate with after 2 years of quarantine birthdays.
Tuesday April 12th, I had texted a family friend thank you for a birthday card. She texted me back, I was afraid to open your text and thought you were going to say you were moving to Philadelphia. I replied, no, don’t have a new job yet.
Later that week, after the phone screen interview, I had 2 more companies that wanted to interview with me. It was a little tricky because I was heading out of the country the following week and it seemed they wanted to make decisions quickly. My interviews were scheduled for Tuesday April 19th. Well, that morning we woke up to nearly 7 inches of heavy wet snow. It was just above freezing outside and the heavy snow took down trees and power lines. We had briefly lost power at our house, but by some miracle they re routed the power for my neighborhood. I worked from home, but many of my co workers couldn’t get into work due to roads with trees down and they couldn’t work from home because they didn’t have power. A state of emergency was later declared that morning although my office technically never closed. It was crazy.
So, on Tuesday I managed to do my interviews. The first company really liked me so they wanted to squeeze in a second interview before I left Thursday April 21st. They managed to schedule a second interview for Wednesday April 20th at 6pm.
By Wednesday the weather warmed up, snow was melting fast, and I was back in the office. When I left that day, my manager told me to have a great vacation and please come back. Meanwhile I was headed home to have dinner and then do an interview. The interview went well and then I was packing my bags for the yoga retreat.
Thursday morning, I headed to the airport. When I got to the airport, I had a call with the recruiter I was working with and he gave me the good news with the company’s offer. I told him I needed until Monday to make the decision given that I was heading out of the country without Brian and we needed to decide logistics since the job is in the Philadelphia suburbs.
I called Brian before my flight so he could start thinking it over and then I was off. It was a long 24 hours of travel between the plane and waiting and getting a ride to the lodge where I was staying. My phone was in airplane mode for the trip since I didn’t have an international plan but we could Facetime over WIFI. Although the WIFI wasn’t fast so it didn’t always work great, plus we had a 5 hour time difference to work with.
After Saturday night, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to take the job. Rent and houses are pricey everywhere but especially near cities. I know the job offer was made so quickly and it was hard to work out a decision while we were in separate places. But it was also wonderful that I was on a retreat as I processed everything. I was still trying to find a way to take the job because I just felt it was right.
On Sunday, Brian and I had some more time to talk. We got some advice from my dad via email and Brian brought up the idea of a studio apartment. I was totally on board and I could finally send an email to accept the job offer.
With the retreat I was on, it was also special because everyone had a connection to Philadelphia. That was also my connection to one of the yoga instructors that I did yoga teacher training with in Philadelphia back in 2014-2015. Many of the women still lived in the Philadelphia area and at the end of the week, a couple of them offered up places to me. Timing is everything.

While the last year was so hard in trying to find my next job, I tried to go into interviews with the mindset that the interview is good practice. I stopped trying to “study” for an interview with questions and decided to be myself.
My first day back to work after the retreat, I gave my two weeks’ notice. One thing that I felt good about though was that I had back up for my work while I was away. I didn’t need to put in a ton of overtime and fix a ton of things when I returned. Had I received a job offer sooner, I would not have had all the coverage I have right now because I did so much training in March.
When I left Philadelphia the first time, I always felt like I left a piece of my heart there. The first thing I did when I had moved there in 2014 was find a gym, a yoga studio and sign up for yoga teacher training. Now I have even more connections to yogis there from my recent yoga retreat. I may have been the youngest on the retreat, but I knew the women would leave me with more wisdom. Little did I know I would be making a big life decision while on the retreat as well.

So here we are, last day of work at my current company and next stop Philadelphia suburbs. I am so excited for the new opportunity and meeting up for yoga around Philadelphia!

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I am so glad you figured this out – and that you were able to come to a decision in the early days of your retreat. I completely understand the challenges of finding a job you hope to love that is not in the same location as your current home, or your partner’s job. Being flexible is definitely the right approach! Do you think you will head home each weekend? Or, is there a chance that Brian will come to you some weekends?
I wish you all the best as you start on this new adventure. 🙂
Thanks so much Anne. I won’t be going home each weekend, but probably around one weekend a month. So much to do in the Philadelphia area on weekends as well. Brian will be coming down some weekends too.