I really can’t believe we are halfway through 2021 already. However, looking at the glass half full, also remember that still means we have half a year to go after our goals. I have been thinking about this a lot with some goals I have in mind and trying to keep a positive mindset (easier said than done). Given that I haven’t done a currently post since the beginning of the year, I thought it was time to revisit.
Currently Reading… I’ve been reading on my Kindle more. I just finished the second American Royals book by Katharine McGee. I feel like it took me a bit to get into the first book, but once I got into the storyline, I enjoyed it and quickly purchased the second book to read as well. Now I have just started The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon. I heard about this book from Caitlin’s channel and I think it was on sale for the Kindle so I quickly purchased it for my next book to read. I’ve only read the first chapter so not sure of my thoughts yet, but I do tend to enjoy many of the fiction reads Caitlin recommends.
Currently Watching… As I write this, I just had a night where I finished season 1 of a show I only just started watching last week…The Bureau of Magical Things on Netflix is 20 episodes, only about 20 minutes each so I flew through the episodes quickly. I don’t binge a lot of shows, but this one quickly drew me in. Apparently, it is an Australian show also, so I loved that fact since I have been to Australia twice. Another show that is new that Brian and I are intrigued by is The Mysterious Benedict Society on Disney +. It’s a little weird, but I think that is what draws you in as you just keep wondering what will happen next. I will say Disney + definitely gets you with their originals that they only release 1 episode a week. I watched the full season of Big Shot as well, mostly because John Stamos stars in it, but I did enjoy it.
Current purchase… this probably seems random, but a door anchor for resistance bands and recently some new resistance bands. I know how a drawer of different types of resistance bands as it depends on the exercise. I want to write a post about my current workouts, because it has definitely changed. In short, I started to work with a personal trainer. A big part of my workouts has been core focused and resistance bands are playing a big role in that. My one issue at home though is I don’t have any really heavy furniture to tie the resistance band around. This week I was using my doorknob, but sometimes you want a different height, so I bought a door anchor and it definitely seems very strong and durable so far.
Current favorite breakfast… I’m going to be boring here, but I am back to loving a simple dish of oatmeal with berries and chocolate chips or some peanut butter, banana and chocolate chips. I love sweet breakfasts and savory just occasionally. I think for a while I was sick of oatmeal, but then I began to get tired of my smoothies before a workout. Most of the time I actually workout without eating something first most of the time. I sometimes drink a sip of my smoothie, but other times I make my smoothie the night before and just have water in the morning. This was unheard of before, but if I eat a decent size dinner, I am usually fine. My workouts are also less intense than past for now. Sometimes I noticed myself getting a little hungry during my workout, but then it passes and I complete the workout and enjoy my smoothie or oatmeal when I get home.
Currently drinking… besides all the water, I have been really into Advocare Rehydrate again (I used to buy it years ago and then stopped for a while). I also enjoy Liquid IV from time to time, but I have to say, it can seem really sweet and I prefer the Advocare Rehydrate which is a very similar product. I did price them both out as well and they are very similar in cost per drink. These have been essential to not only switch up my water, but to hydrate me on the really hot days we have had. I feel like June was almost hotter than July so far, but we still have over half of July to go, so we will see. Advocare also sells canisters which make the cost more affordable, but I prefer the single stick packs. Previously I had issues with humidity and not using the canister fast enough that the powder kind of sticks together, so I pay a little more and enjoy the single sticks so I can use them slower if I want to.
Currently wearing… people who know me will never believe this, but I wore dresses to the office 3 days in the row!! It’s a rarity that I ever wear a dress to work, so this was impressive, but with the 90 degree heat wave, I just couldn’t wear pants. My house was 80 degrees. I even tried to put pants on the third day and I was so sticky, I had to dig in my closet for another work acceptable dress. Most of the dresses I have are for a fancy occasion, probably specifically purchased for one, so I had to dig a bit. Luckily I had some sort of casual, but work acceptable dresses for our summer dress code I could pull out. I did wear some of my short shorts underneath and it made me feel more comfortable all day long. I don’t know what it is, but sitting on a chair in a dress without wearing shorts underneath is just not comfortable for me.
Currently dreaming of… a beach vacation. I really want to go somewhere for a week, but Brian wanted to wait until Fall. We used to do vacations in September/October before I was in school. We can finally do that again this year so maybe we will make that happen. Sometimes you can get better deals at that time with all the kids going back to school, but also have the risk of hurricane season if we go to an island. It has also been really challenging to take time off work because we are so short staffed. I hope by September/October we will have a new person helping with some items so I can take a much needed vacation for a full week. What I can’t believe is the last time I was on a plane was for our wedding in Charleston and honeymoon in Aruba (part 1 and 2 here) in May 2019!!
Tell me your currently reading, drinking, dreaming of….?

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I enjoyed our blog post. I can’t wait to see you!
Your comment about the heat and dresses at work makes me glad that my work does not have a stringent dress code! As long as I am decently clothed and relatively presentable, no one really cares what I wear. I will be in the office for 2-3 days / week starting this fall, and I plan to continue to wear nice yoga pants and leggings with upgraded hoodies and sweaters. 🙂
And, I hope you get your beach vacation! You deserve it – a long year, finishing school, and everything else you have had going on call for celebration.