Hey there and Happy March!! February flew by and we ended the month with Leap Day celebrations. Leap day is now a day to celebrate since Brian and I got engaged on Leap Day in 2016. I know that men are not as big into celebrating things, but since our engage-aversary is only every 4 years, it’s a good compromise that we only have to celebrate it every 4 years lol.
It worked out well that I was ahead on school work and could spend the day out of the house for once on a Saturday. It was a busy day. We did start with a nice laid back morning. Usually on Saturday, I sleep until about 7am, have breakfast and am quickly out the door to shop at Wegmans. Well it was snowing a bit this Saturday morning so I decided to have a chill morning and took my time enjoying some tea, spending time with Brian and watching A Million Little Things.
I finally headed to Wegmans at about 9am and got my main weekly essentials. Around 11, Brian and I decided to head to Aiello’s for some lunch. I always hear my co workers talk about this place so finally after living here nearly 3 years, we made it there. Of course, besides our bruschetta appetizer, Brian and I didn’t order anything Italian. I had a spedie panini and Brian had a hamburger. It was a nice filling lunch though.
We then stopped at some family friend’s house and chatted for a couple hours. They also had some brownies in the oven so it was perfect to have some dessert. At about 2pm, we headed to Syracuse to go axe throwing. The place opened at 3 so it was perfect timing once we arrived. I feel like this activity became more popular after it was shown on the show Workin’ Moms. The place in Syracuse has been opened for a year apparently. The person who taught us seemed really knowledgeable. I definitely need some more practice and if the place was closer to our house, I could see it as a fun activity to do for an hour on a weeknight even. I slowly got the hang of it, but I felt it was all about coordinating my front step and the chop throw at the right time.
Brian had tons of fun with it and it was nice to do something different. Towards the end of the axe throwing though, my throat was really bugging me which was annoying. We headed to the Syracuse mall and decided since it was already 4:30, to grab a bite to eat. We usually go to the Mexican place, but this time we went to PF Changs. I honestly don’t think I have even been to a PF Changs before. I have only had their frozen food from the grocery store. They had some Ramen on the menu which sounded good for my throat. I also got a pomegranate lemonade. Since we don’t go out often, it’s a nice treat when we do.
After that we walked around the mall. Our mission was to search for a new frying pan (I know so exciting right?!). About 6 years ago, I had bought a great pan/wok at Macy’s on a doorbuster deal. Of course, the pan has recently been discontinued so we were trying to search for something similar. It’s amazing how much pans can cost. At some point, I should probably get a set, but I just don’t have the storage for one and this one frying pan works for everything. After looking at Williams Sonoma and not really finding anything similar or affordable, we headed to Macy’s. Eventually we settled on the Anolon 12 inch pan. The depth is a little smaller, but it is the same width of 12 inches. Hopefully it will last for years to come. I also love a frying pan with a clear lid.
Once we decided on that, it was getting late and we still had to stop at Trader Joes before heading home. I really wasn’t in the mood to try on clothes and shop at this hour. We didn’t take too long in Trader Joes and got a lot of good cauliflower goods and chocolate. I basically bought 2 of a bunch of items since we hadn’t been to Trader Joes since mid December and I figured I would stock up.
I got a couple new spices and some 100% cocoa chocolate bars I haven’t had before.
Once we got home, it was time for bed and my throat didn’t feel well so really all I wanted to do was sleep anyway. Sunday was a laid back day at home to recover. I started with some lemon water and honey to soothe my throat, followed by some tea and breakfast.
Brian headed to the gym and I did a little bit of stretching and yoga at home. Then it was time to read some school stuff. It was finally a sunny day so I enjoyed reading on the couch and soaking up all the sunshine. A very low key Sunday which was just what I needed.
This is the week before “spring break” with school. I put that in quotes since I will still be working full time that week but at least I won’t have any assignments due. It’s the perfect week to continue to work ahead as we are also midway through the semester and working ahead keeps me less stressed. I can’t wait for spring and warmer weather soon to hopefully get outside more and maybe work on running again.

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Maybe that is what I need to do – throw some axes! Love, Mom