Oh Hi there!! It’s been a month. Truthfully, I haven’t had much to share since I’ve been spending an average of 12 hours a weekend doing homework…the joys of online schooling and working full time. I also think I mentioned a while ago about how I needed to change up my workouts. Well I was forced to cut back when I was lifting one morning and felt some sort of pinch or pull in the back of my right shoulder. I have shoulder bursitis there and it was sort of the same area but never have I experienced that before and I rested, used a heat pad, took a bath, got some cupping and massage done. However, it still felt off, so I went to a doctor and they just did an x-ray, which doesn’t show muscles of course so the doctor tells me, I’m young and healthy and my bones look great in my shoulder! Well that’s great, but my shoulder feels off. Really, I felt I was misaligned.
The doctor sent me to get PT and I start officially this week, but I got my consultation done on Friday and finally got some answers. Basically, as I suspected, I am misaligned. My left pelvis is pulling back and my right pulling forward and between all this my right shoulder rolls more forward and that is all causing some discomfort and pulling along my levator scapulae muscle on the right side. A very common issue I was told. I was happy to at least have an answer and with my light anatomy knowledge from yoga training, I could understand what the PT told me. So here is to hoping PT helps, but I have decided to back off from lifting in the mean time and instead I have been walk/running (though I don’t know if this is the best with a misaligned pelvis so I hope that is fixed up in PT) and doing some band exercises for my shoulder, doing body weight squats and doing LOTS of stretching and yoga. OMG my muscles everywhere are so tight. I try to take this as a learning experience and what is my body telling me. Well I am pretty sure my body was telling me to slow down. Honestly with school work this summer and fall, I have been so focused on that and my mind is not into the powerlifting as it was last year. For powerlifting, I need to be there mentally and I am just not. But I can not give up the gym because that also keeps my sanity so it’s all about finding balance. I need the yoga and will focus on what I can do. Hopefully after PT for a bit, I can resume to some dumbbell lifting and maybe come up with some 30 minute circuit type workouts as I think 30 minutes is the time I can give right now.
Well that was a long intro, but that sums up what is happening at the moment. I’m counting down the last 28 days of school for the semester. With that, I did want to share a few things I am loving.
I treated myself to another Stitch Fix box. I have to say I love how Stitch Fix counts your boxes. I basically average 1 a year so I think it has been 5 years since my first and this was my 6th one (I got 2 this year). Since I don’t live by a mall anymore (it’s a good hour plus drive to the big one) and I don’t have that time on the weekend with school work, I wanted a few new items. I have been good about saving so I needed something and I was happy they nailed it once again.
So I got 2 new blouses for work, a grey sweater, a pair of workout leggings and a tan sweater. I do have to say I didn’t like the fit and style of the tan sweater but it was cheaper to keep it since you get a discount when you keep everything so I am hoping to give it to someone.

I also recently upgraded my Garmin to the Vivoactive 3. I had just the simple HR one which I loved, but unfortunately, a year and a half into owning it, the strap completely tore and there is no replacing it. I have been tired of spending $100 or so a year on the cheaper Fitbits and Garmins for step counts so I decided to upgrade to the watch style Garmin Vivoactive. This watch band is at least replaceable. I like how it has the features to track swimming laps (for whenever I have a pool available again) and other activities. I have actually been using it to track my treadmill running and yoga, and using the timer for 15 minute stretch sessions so I go the full 15 minutes.
Another recent purchase I made was buying 2 big aluminum trays off Amazon. We only had one baking sheet that could fit the silicone mats I have for roasting and it was rusting really badly so I threw it out and got two beautiful trays that fit the mats perfectly and work great. With the cooler months, we are definitely using the oven more for roasting and cooking so these trays are already getting tons of use. I just roasted sweet potatoes this morning.
November is flying by and next week is Thanksgiving. I am looking out for Black Friday sales for some gifts I want to buy and can’t wait to get our Christmas tree and put that up. I have already started watching Christmas movies because with school work, who knows what time I’ll have in December. I just started to read Andrea Barber’s book Full Circle in the evening as a nice change of pace from homework and studying. I’m already about halfway through so I am sure I will be done in no time. It’s nice to read memoirs from celebrities and remind you that celebrities are just regular people too.
So yeah, I think that about catches us up. I hope to come back in December with some Christmas type post. Until then, back to studying and finding a balance of workouts, school and work.

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I’m glad you got your shoulder checked out and are trying to balanced out your workouts. Love, Mom