I can’t believe we are over halfway through June. I don’t know where the time has gone. Actually I do know…into my school work. It’s no joke taking summer MBA classes, that’s for sure. I knew it would be compressed but I have a timeline I am aiming for. I do enjoy the learning, but sometimes the teachers and lack of communication, especially with me, as a planner, are aggravating. I’m taking finance and supply chain and so far supply chain is a piece of cake compared to finance (surprising for this math major). The struggle with finance is a lot of self teaching that is happening and lack of examples that look like the quiz questions. I’m sort of counting down to the end of the semester, but that also saddens me because that means nearly the end of summer. So just trying to get through mid terms right now and then know I have some fun plans in July and day by day I will get through this.
In case you can’t tell, school is my number one priority at the moment. Then there is working full time, going to the gym, making time to hang out with Brian and also finding room for downtime. Kind of a lot happening. I’ve decided to not train for any powerlifting meets coming up and instead just have short 45 minute workouts at the gym and it’s more to just stay in shape and work on technique. I am thinking I will go more in depth in another post on that.
Since I have spent the end of May and beginning of June filling you in on all the wedding happenings, maybe I should fill you in on current life things.
Books: I’ve somehow managed to get in some reading for fun in between crazy school work. I read The Latte Factor in two days as it was a quick read and very much how I would like to live my life. It’s kinda a self help book, but in the form of a story which I feel may translate better to some people, teaching you to think about $10 a day and how you can invest that money and live your dreams of travel or a business owner, etc. It had a lot of great points and something I aspire to.
The second book I am currently reading is Becoming Michelle Obama. I felt it started a little slow, but now I’m 41% though (according to my kindle) and it’s hard to put down so I’m hoping to finish it soon.
A couple new clothes: When we got back from Aruba, I purchased a new pair of athletic shorts because my small size from the year prior didn’t have much give. I think my growing thighs are not helping, but I know it’s muscle so not complaining too much and just finding items to fit better. Also, after getting very sunburnt on my arms in Aruba, Brian mentioned maybe I should get a sun shirt. To be honest, I always hated those and never wanted to be “that person” wearing one, but I’ve come to accept I burn easily and even two bottles of sunscreen in a week doesn’t always work. I bought two sunshirts, 1 short sleeve and 1 long from Mountain Warehouse. I also threw in a third t-shirt but also a quick dry material because it got me to free shipping so basically the shirt paid for itself right?! Besides that, I am really trying not to buy clothes right now and instead just save money after the wedding and for future tuition payments I have.

Yoga on my own: With all my homework lately and the yoga studio I like moving, I just don’t have the time to allocate 2 hours of my night to going to yoga. I was playing a lot with backbends before my wedding and honeymoon and I’m back at it and trying to practice headstands again. Doing yoga at home for me is still difficult because I think of all my to dos, but when I go to a studio, I have to focus on the practice more. I think I have to start setting a timer for a bit and just flow and do what feels good. That seems to work best for me.
TV show: OK so I haven’t watched anything new in a while, but on a whim I decided to relax last weekend after a while and started the Netflix show Dead to Me which was very suspenseful, and not usually my genre choice, but it was addicting. I watched 7 of the 10 episodes on a Sunday and then finished the other 3 later in the week. I do hope they make a season 2 of the show, because of those dang cliffhangers.

In other news, we had a garage sale day with the neighborhood, but because we live on a dead end section of the neighborhood, it is hard to get people. I put up signs at the intersection and many people drove by. We sold some stuff and made $46, but I definitely had a lot left. I proceeded to list items in bulk on Ebay to see how they would do there, at least make a little something as I have worked to become detached from the items and didn’t want to put them back in boxes.
With the nice weather during the garage sale, Brian worked on building a front porch for us. Just need to add a few steps and it will be done. Though, until we rearrange the living room, I think we will continue to use the side door to the house as it’s more convenient to the driveway.
So that’s about what I have been up to lately…not much exciting. Hoping to get some nice weather weekends where Brian and I can go for a day trip and hike somewhere. Weekends are filling up. We are thinking maybe a weekend in Philly in July and I am also doing the Color Run. Then August we have our wedding reception at our house. It seems the months will fly by but I also want to enjoy the summer and warmth. It has been nice getting out the shorts again. It’s also nice to have the heat off and so far we have been able to survive with open windows to cool the house off and not needing the AC unit yet.
Any good TV shows you are watching lately?
Have any fun summer plans?

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