After a very long week at work, I came home to an exciting package Friday night. I got another Stitch Fix. It was fun to come home and try my new shirts on. Unfortunately the shirts either didn’t fit well or were ¾ sleeve style, which is not my style. I decided to keep the sweater though (pictured lower right). One thing I didn’t expect and I tried it on first and didn’t expect to keep it, but it was so soft and fuzzy and the only thing I really loved from the box. I think it’s perfect to wear with jeans for a casual look, around the house or even to work. I try to find pieces that have multiple purposes so they are worth the money.
I was so tired Friday night. I ate some leftovers and watched some tv for a while. Finally around 8pm, I decided to get my butt off the couch and do some studying for my final accounting test. I took the practice test and it did not go well, but I decided to sleep and study more in the morning.
Saturday morning I made a good filling breakfast and got to work. I did some more review and then I finally opened the test. It was open notes and book, which was very good. I added to my notes after doing the practice test. I also marked some pages in my book which was helpful. About an hour and a half later, I was done and I did well even with a few guesses. Finally a weight was lifted as I was worried about that test all week. Brian was away for the week to give me time to study and help his mom some around her house. It worked out well.
After my test I headed to Wegmans to load up on tons of groceries for the week and then it was time for my favorite snack plate lunch.

I started to watch a Christmas movie, but then I got distracted and started cleaning and doing laundry. I then made some gingerbread cookie dough and put it in the fridge overnight.
Brian got home around 5, which was perfect for dinner. He picked up some spedie chicken salads and we enjoyed those while watching Nailed It Holiday Edition. Nailed it seriously makes you laugh out loud so much.
At 7 though I was so exhausted. Tiredness just hit me, but thanks to Nailed it for keeping me awake until almost 9.
A good 10ish hours of sleep and Sunday morning I made some pancakes for breakfast and then we headed to the gym. Lately, I haven’t been as motivated and excited at the gym, so I have kind of strayed from my planned workouts and decided that I would just have some yoga fun at the gym Sunday. Brian did his workout. I rowed 500m and then did some stretching and yoga flows for almost 30 minutes. I worked on my arm balances again which I used to practice everyday. I miss having a yoga studio to go to as my favorite one has been closed since the end of September. They are searching for a new location and I have done some yin yoga at another studio here and there, but not enough yoga lately. My goal for this week is to slow down and do some yoga.
After the gym, I had a return to make and also had some Kohls cash to use. I spent it on some more bath towels…yay adulting!!
Then it was time for some lunch, another mix of leftovers to clean out food from the fridge last week. Then it was time to make my annual gingerbread cookies.

I forgot powered sugar at the store and I thought well that’s fine because we have made powdered sugar in the blender before. So I put Brian on powdered sugar duty and he makes the frosting, except it turned out a little too thick and it was so hot from being blended so long. It was a bit of a fail and I didn’t frost as many gingerbread men this year as I normally do, but the cookies turned out delicious and I lost count how many I ate.
The rest of the afternoon was pretty laid back. More cleaning because making cookies makes a mess. Then I continued that cleaning spree and going through my suitcases of clothes to try to organize my clothes and get rid of ones I don’t wear anymore. I have a nice big bag of clothes to donate now. Somehow when you put away your clothes and don’t see them for a while, it’s just easier to part with them. Plus, less is more right now.

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I told dad that you made gingerbread men and he asked if you made any gingerbread women. Since one is labeled AK, I guess you did! I am finally done with school for the semester. I e-mailed my research paper to my professor today and have to drop off a paper copy tomorrow, but I have some library books to return. I am looking forward to seeing you on Dec 22 at Aunt Mary’s. Mary told me that Brian is coming and you are staying with your friend. Love, Mom