Happy Monday!! Wow I really can’t believe this is the last week of September already. It was still feeling like summer down in Philadelphia on Saturday. I drove down on Friday after work and stayed with a friend down there. Her baby was already asleep, but I got to meet her 5 month old with quite the head of hair on Saturday morning.
I headed out early, around 7:30, to go to the Navy Yard in Philadelphia for Wanderlust. This is my third year attending Wanderlust 108 in Philadelphia. I signed up by myself, hoping to meet some Philadelphia friends down there, but then they couldn’t make it. I like going anyway because it’s a chance to visit Philly, even if just for a short 24 hours. It turned out that some people from the yoga studio I currently go to were signed up and we somehow parked at nearly the same time and found each other before I even texted them.
We registered and laid down our yoga mats and then checked out some of the tents before getting ready for the 5k. I decided to just walk the whole 5k and enjoyed chatting with my friend the whole way.
After the 5k, I grabbed some sample granola bars and water and waited for the yoga to start. I also ran into a fellow yoga teacher training friend who lives in Philly, so it was good to see her.
The sun came out which felt wonderful except that I didn’t remember to bring sunscreen so I ended up very sunburnt after the practice. Thank goodness for tons of aloe vera and most of the sunburn is better today, but my shoulders got the worst and lifting has been a challenge.
We finished up with a short meditation and then you were free to roam around the area. I decided to just pack up my things and leave around 1pm because of the drive back and I wanted to make a stop at Trader Joes. I found a Trader Joes in Media, PA and it was easy to get to and find parking, which was better than trying to drive into center city Philadelphia. I also loved the cute brick building it was in.
I stocked up on Trader Joes essentials, like cookie butter, dark chocolate and pumpkin O’s. I also grabbed a sandwich to go which I quickly devoured in the parking lot before hitting the road. It was basically my first real food of the day that wasn’t a protein bar.

I was happy that my drive back was a lot smoother than driving down on Friday night. It was sunny and a nice day for driving. Although the outside temperature quickly changed from 80 degrees to 60 in my 3 hour drive. My sunburn was coming out and my upper body was hot from it.

As soon as I arrived home, I showered and aloe vera’d ( <- yep just made that word up) my body. I was pretty tired and decided to have a snack like dinner and watch a movie on Netflix before heading to bed.
Sunday morning I felt well rested, but I was exhausted when I was trying to work out at the gym. I know the sunburn was playing a role in that and also squats with burnt shoulders are probably not recommended. I pushed through and took my time before heading to the grocery store. I spent the afternoon doing some meal prep for the week like roasting veggies. Finally cool enough that I don’t worry about heating up the house too much. I then tried to get organized with homework for the week and spent time relaxing.
Have you ever been to a yoga festival?
Do you sunburn easily?

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