With the cold weather that came last Monday, I thought we would really be heading into Fall. I was pleasantly surprised though when the weather predicted for this weekend was in the 70s. The mornings were still a chilly 40 degrees, but by the afternoon, it was at least 70 and nice and sunny. It was the perfect weather (in my opinion) for carving pumpkins outdoors. We didn’t have that brisk Fall like temperature, but I liked that my hands were warm while scooping out pumpkin guts.
Friday evening, I don’t know what it was, but I didn’t sleep the greatest. I was hungry because I didn’t have a snack after yoga and my mind apparently was just racing with thoughts leading me to toss and turn. I couldn’t wait to make breakfast Saturday morning. I was slightly disappointed though because I ran out of bacon earlier in the week, so breakfast was just 2 eggs and a couple oatmeal breakfast cookies. I also drank tons of water. I could tell I was dehydrated as I drank water through the night and also easily drank 2 bottles in the morning within an hour of waking. Thankfully I was up plenty early when I consumed all this water because around 9am I left for a 2 hour drive that doesn’t have easy bathroom breaks.
I drove up to Penn Yan where one of my college roommates lives. Each year she has a pumpkin carving party and has a HUGE display of pumpkins in her front yard. I was excited that this year, I only live 2 hours from her and I was able to make it. Sadly Brian got called back to work so he missed out.
With the warmer weather, it was perfect to be outside, the only downside was that the bees liked the fresh cut pumpkins a lot too. We had a great wooden spoon that worked as a bee killer. I didn’t try to make the bees mad, but thankfully some other guests at the party got pretty good at killing bees. One person trapped a bee in a beer bottle too. I switched between carving pumpkins and watching the little kids. My friend has a 1 year old daughter that I finally got to meet. She was so cute and warmed up to me almost right away when I arrived early and my friend was still preparing the food.
There were a ton of pumpkins to carve. I think I only carved 5 or so. I need to get more creative with my pumpkin carving. She had over 100 pumpkins!!

During the afternoon, we enjoyed stew, cookies and pie while carving the pumpkins. It was great to catch up a bit and do something fun and outside for the nice day. The past couple years when they have done their party it has been so cold they moved to inside the garage with space heaters. They really lucked out on the weather this year.
I decided to head out at about 3pm as I wanted to drive home while it was still plenty light outside. The drive home went by quickly as I finally figured out I could put on a podcast and navigation at the same time on my phone. I hadn’t tried it before. I also was able to swing by Wegmans for my weekly groceries on the way home.
I decided to make some zucchini boats for dinner as I was the only one home. Brian’s mom was visiting and headed out for dinner with everyone else, so it was just me and the two dogs, who mostly slept. I got dinner cooked and leftovers in the fridge. I did laundry and cleaned up a bit. I then had time to sit down and write for a while. I call that a productive and fun evening in my book.
I then got the surprise that Brian was actually coming home Saturday night. I thought he was going to be gone until Tuesday so that was a nice surprise.
Sunday morning I actually slept in a bit. In the morning I headed to the gym. I got my new program to follow, so Sunday was all about testing out how much weight for how many reps I could do. Overall, I know I went too light on some of the sets, but I was also just getting used to the movement. Next week I will increase. I’m excited to have a new plan to follow though as I was feeling a bit in a gym rut after not being super consistent through August and September.
Once I got home, we played shuffle the cars so others could run errands and I just parked my car in another driveway (the advantage to 3 family houses next to each other). Otherwise we would have played shuffle the cars all day long when I needed to be first for Monday morning.
Sunday was a pretty laid back day to get some reading done and also watch a few episodes of This is Us. I’m so close to finishing season 1 and then I can catch up on the current season 2 episodes.
Are you creative with carving pumpkins?

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I’m glad that you had fun at the pumpkin carving party! Love, Mom
Pumpkin pi? That’s awesome 😀
Thanks Nicole. Hope you are having a great day
I love carving pumpkins! I think we’re going to this weekend actually so they’re ready for Halloween 🙂
I can’t believe Halloween is almost here. Have fun carving pumpkins