On Sunday I enjoyed a morning yoga class and then met up with my yoga buddy, Alicia, at Animal Adventure Park. Alicia and I bonded in aerial yoga over sharing the same name. On Friday I was trying to figure out a way to enjoy the beautiful predicted forecast for Sunday so I asked if she wanted to go to Animal Adventure. Neither of us had been so it was perfect. I also got to use my big camera again which hasn’t been used much since my travels earlier this year. I still need to learn the manual settings more, but I enjoyed taking photos of the animals.
Animal Adventure Park has been open about 5 years now and only a short 25 minute drive from where I am living now. The park became well known this year when their giraffe, April, gave birth to a baby in April. In fact, I was in France at the time and was able to watch the live feed of April giving birth. I guess because a giraffe’s gestation period is so long, it was fascinating for people to watch April pace the barn area as the baby giraffe could arrive any day. I’m not really sure. I didn’t watch the live feed until Brian had messaged me that she was giving birth. The number of viewers to watch a giraffe give birth still amazes me, but yes I was one of them.
Due to the park gaining publicity from the live feed, the cost is now $14 for an adult. I heard that it used to be $8, but makes sense that they could raise it and they have some expansions in mind so I plan to check that out next year as well. Also note that it is cash and check only. Thankfully I always carry some cash on me.
We arrived at the park around 10:45. We started at the camels and also caught the end of the camel talk. Oh and 2 of their camels are pregnant. Apparently the camels came to them pregnant as they don’t actually have a male camel. One is due in November and one is due in the spring time. We asked if there would be a live feed for the camels, but they don’t know yet.

We then made our way towards the giraffes. April and baby, Tajiri, were outside and the dad, Oliver, was in the barn when we first stopped by. We bought a couple carrot sticks and fed April. The baby is still nursing so not eating the carrots.

From there, we enjoyed watching Otto, the baby Lynx cub. His paws are so big. He will be growing into them for sure, but he was the cutest cat. He was even playing with a dead mouse when we watched him.
The park also had an Australia section with kangaross, wallabies, kookaburras and emus. One emu let Alicia pet him/her for about 15 minutes.

Then we headed over to the bear talk, which was really interesting. One of the park keepers talked about the different types of bears, how bears hibernate and give birth in their sleep basically and how they change out the toys for the bears so they don’t get bored. This is one area of the park they are also working to expand next year so that the bears have more space to roam around, especially as they grow.
We saw a beautiful artic fox.
Animal Adventure also recently gained two alligators that were roaming around Whitney Point area. Two of these gators are named Whitney and Lisle after the towns they were found in.
The park was full of informational signs about each of the animals. Did you know the sex of a hyena can only be told by blood tests? That was one interesting thing I learned.

Overall, it was a beautiful day, mid 60s and sunny, so it was perfect for an outdoor activity. We were only there about 3 hours and we spent time getting a snack and chatting as well. It was fun how you were able to buy animal feed and feed most of the animals and get to learn more about the animals from the talks.
What’s your favorite animal?
I would say I love the wild cats, especially tigers, but the lynx cub was adorable to watch. I also love Aussie animals like koalas and kangaroos.

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