I can’t believe this is my 100th MIMM post! Thanks Katie for the link up.
It’s also officially less than a week until Christmas. Wow!! It has been cold but at least we will have a white Christmas this year which is perfect before I head off to Australia for summer.
So this post is a recap of my road trip so far as I am on my way to Chicago. Last Tuesday we finished packing up the apartment and officially moved out. Thursday I began my multi city journey home (to Chicago).
Thursday Dec 15
I’m taking my time getting to Chicago and finally had the chance to stop by Pittsburgh. I left Binghamton, NY around 7:30am for a long day of driving. What is mapped to be a 5.5 hour trip took me 7 hours. Though with stops, I did figure 6.5 hours would be about right. I left early to avoid the snow that was coming and also hoping I wasn’t driving into it. I think I ended up going far enough south that I didn’t hit too much.
Driving down 81 south was pretty much a breeze compared to the rest of the trip. It was pretty clear skies, roads were plowed, just some wind blown snow and the sun was even out for most of the drive. I was happy.
Then I turned west and was greeted by many signs warning of changing weather and possible white out conditions. Though I was reading the signs and looking at blue skies, it wasn’t long before I hit a bit of a white out heading west. Luckily it was quite short and I was able to breathe again as the snow cleared. Really it was hardly snowing. If anything, there were flurries, but the 20+ mph winds were blowing snow onto the roads again. I then hit a spot so clear, even the brown grass was showing. It became so sunny and my guess is either that area didn’t get much snow or the sun melted it away in combination with the wind carrying it away. I took advantage and drove 70+ mph when I could. When I was sure the roads were fairly dry and I was safe.
I did take multiple stops along the way, twice for bathroom stops and my one stop at a Panera was about 5 miles from the highway and added quite a bit of time to stop and get back on in the snowy conditions. I also got gas twice. In normal conditions, I could have made it on my one tank but as I was on US 22 and trying to go uphill with a quarter tank, my car was not sounding smooth and I decided to fill up. Afterwards, uphills went better. I know uphills drain the gas more too so I was glad I stopped. Luckily there were plenty of downhills to compensate, though I was not so much a fan of the hills.
About 7 hours of driving, since I arrived at 2:30 into Shadyside Pittsburgh and met Erin (The Almond Eater) at a cute coffee place. Though at one point I was hungry, I forgot as I sat down and Erin and I talked for an hour. Then she had to go and I checked into my AirBnB around the corner.
I was happy I decided on a cute mansion stay. Just over $100 with all the fees, still cheaper than many hotels in the Pittsburgh area and I get a beautifully decorated room that makes you feel way more at home than any hotel. The plus to it being Christmas season was having a little tree in my room and seeing the décor around the house as well.
I checked in and brought my bags up then headed back out to grab an early dinner. I checked out Shady Grove per Erin’s suggestion and got a wrap with fries. The fries were quite fried and I wasn’t a huge fan so I only ate some. Somehow I wasn’t starving despite skipping lunch, but when you are sitting and driving, you don’t burn too many calories, though I do feel as though I burn more due to anxiety.
After eating, I knew there were a couple bakeries on the street and decided to check one out and get a fudge cupcake. I brought it back with me and went inside for the evening to stay warm. My legs needed another layer as it was like 10 degrees, feels like -2 outside.
After inhaling my cupcake, I remembered I was behind on my yoga challenge and took a few photos around the room. Then I curled up and got warm, watching Fuller House on Netflix and then spending some time writing.
I love quiet evenings especially with it being so cold, but I was glad it wasn’t snowing in Pittsburgh. I would have walked around more, but the weather made it difficult and I knew I would walk around in the morning. At least I got 6,000 steps when I drove for most of the day.
Friday Dec 16
Friday morning I was awake by 7am. I enjoyed staying in bed for a while and then had a granola bar and got ready for the day. I stopped to get some tea which was super hot. Meanwhile it was super cold outside. Can’t win. I burned my tongue on the hot tea as usual. Then I took my tea for a walk to cool off and drank it before the barre class.
I had a good workout at The Barre Code and then walked back to my Airbnb. I packed up and headed to a breakfast place, Deluca’s in the strip district. I thought I would walk around a bit but it was cold and I don’t need to buy anything. So I ate at the counter at the diner, getting some pancakes and sausage. Then it was off to Ohio.
The 2 hour drive was fast and the roads were dry for most of the way. I arrived at 2:30 just as my aunt was picking up my cousin from school. I worked on a little project for her and then watched Netflix for a bit until I was picked up around 6 for dinner.
Since I haven’t had many big meals lately, I went all out. Salad, bread, bruschetta, chicken and even some chocolate cake for dessert. Wow it was the BIGGEST slice of chocolate cake I have ever seen!! We split it 3 ways and still brought some home.
By the time we got home, it was nearly 8. I took a shower and then relaxed on the couch watching tv and headed to bed around 10.
Saturday Dec 17
Based on the weather everywhere on Saturday, I would have been driving into the snow/ice/winter mix and that didn’t sound fun for a 6 hour plus drive. So I opted to stay another day at my aunt’s. Sunday was a better day for me to go to my friend’s anyway.
I brought my oatmeal and fixings for breakfast. I always come with breakfast. Then I taught some basic yoga moves to my aunt and challenged my cousin to a 60 second plank and he didn’t last.
Most of the day was spent hanging out at my aunt’s while she worked. I finished Fuller House, read and cuddled with the cats and did some yoga.
Sunday I made it to my friend’s house in Michigan around 3:30 and the drive overall was not that bad. I did hit some snow towards the end and passed my friend’s street because it wasn’t plowed so I didn’t recognize it as a street. Luckily I have my snow tires and they work so much better for this weather.
One more day in Michigan and then Chicago tomorrow.
Any snow by you?
Do you like road trips?

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Definitely not the easiest time of year to be traveling the Midwest with all the weather. Wishing you a safe rest of your trip. And omg that cupcake, I love finding good bakeries in the cities I visit.
Yeah not the greatest time to move, but I made it and was glad I was able to stay an extra day with my aunt as the snow storm moved.