Hello everyone!! I hope you had a fabulous weekend. I had a fun and productive weekend. Little by little sorting through the boxes of stuff my parents packed up for me 2 years ago…I am finally able to let go of more and not so attached to every little thing which is nice. I know that is in part to how much I have grown up in the last 2 years and just learning that I can live without a lot of stuff. When you have boxes sitting in your closet that you don’t look in for 2 years, probably time to part with some of the stuff huh?
Getting back to the fun things of the weekend. Thanks Katie for the MIMM link up.
Saturday I headed apple picking with a friend. There was more of a variety available this time and I probably picked too many apples for just me. I guess I will have to eat at least an apple a day.
I did make these delicious apple oatmeal cookies on Saturday evening. It was seriously so hard to stop eating them after I had 3…
I also made some chili which will be dinner for a few nights. I took some pictures but they honestly don’t look that great so I’ll just tell you it was delicious.
Sunday morning I finally slept in a bit. I got up and made some waffles and bacon with a side of strawberries.
Then it was time to do my usual meal prep and worked on some blog stuff before I was off to teach yoga.
When I got back home, I decided to whip up these delicious chocolate muffins and paint my pumpkin.
I spent the rest of the day reliving my childhood as I sorted through boxes and was finally able to reduce some things down.
Marbles, floppy discs, polly pockets, old school IDs and more. Likely these polly pockets are going on Ebay soon. Did you know these are known as Vintage polly pockets? Apparently I am VERY old. Then again, babies now don’t know what floppy discs were. Instead of bringing your own USB, you had to bring a floppy disc to save your school stuff on. Oh…the 1990s…
OK time to get back to the present. Make sure you come back tomorrow, because I have a very special post.
What was your favorite toy growing up?

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Thar pumpkin is the cutest!! What a fun fall weekend. And those muffins look great!