Happy Wednesday. It has been a few months since I shared a WIAW post, so I thought I would share my eats from Monday this week.

If you have been following my blog, you may recall that back in April I decided to try low carb high fat for my eats. While I may not strictly follow that way of eating all the time (I don’t turn down cupcakes and cookies), I have found that it has really helped my digestion to eat this way. I think what helps the most is that it forces me to stay away from that tempting junk food. I now think more carefully about my choices and think about what I am eating and how it will make me feel later. Junk food and more processed food does not make me feel my best and I strive to feel my best.
Monday morning I headed to the gym about 5am so I had a banana before heading out the door.
I came home and it was time for breakfast. Breakfast can still be a challenge because I really like my breakfast carbs, but here are my recent eats. I buy my favorite Bob Evan’s sausage and make patties and cook all of them on Sunday. That way it is easy to warm them up on a weekday morning and it helps me to get equivalent sizes by making all of them at once. The patties come out to be just over 3oz a piece before being cooked.
I then pair a sausage patty with some roasted sweet potatos and this week some Brussel spouts and a few blueberries left over. I like representing as many colors as I can. Sometimes I will have broccoli or zucchini. I never thought I’d be eating green veggies for breakfast but it does work. If I am extra hungry after the gym, I will make a slice of bacon. Yes give me all the fats!! My breakfast with the banana comes out to be almost 500 calories. I really like big breakfasts and lighter meals and snacks throughout the day. It works for me.
I noticed when I changed my breakfast up, I didn’t need my apple and peanut butter snack mid morning. Actually it seems eating an apple sometimes made me MORE hungry.
Now, I usually just have almonds or cashews and a few peanut butter pretzels (my co worker keeps a giant container and they are hard to resist, but protein and fat from the peanut butter and carbs are only 13g for a serving).
Monday I had salted roasted cashews and some of those pretzels as I was on a conference call. Good thing I had the mute button on with all that crunching.
Finally I had a break between meetings and got my salad from the fridge. I had a spinach base, half an orange bell pepper, half a tomato, a few carrots and some honey turkey meat.
For my something sweet, I had half of a Cookies and Cream Quest bar. Still addicted to this flavor, seriously my favorite and my next box should be arriving any day!!
Our receptionist keeps a bowl of mints and skittles up front. Thankfully I am not a skittles person, but the mints are delicious even though I know there is some sugar in them. I have a few of those through the afternoon. I usually only grab one when I walk by it.
I stayed an hour late on Monday and I brought my “just in case” dinner or really just an appetizer, but it ended up being my dinner, a bowl of bean salad. Forgot to take a photo until I gobbled half of it down.
After eating and sending a couple last emails, I headed to the train. I got home and had some things to get done so that distracted me and then it was past 7pm so I decided to skip eating chicken and go for the Arctic Zero ice cream to end the night and a handful of cashews as I packed my lunch for the next day.
My protein was a little low, carbs were not too bad for a workout day (always high with eating a banana) and I was surprised that I wasn’t more hungry, but maybe I was just too distracted working on things. Throughout the day my estimated totals came to 1,500 calories with 150g Carbs, 76g Fat, 76g Protein. I don’t track my macros everyday, but was curious in the last week to see what they have been.
Meal planning has been essential for me lately with staying late at work a few nights a week. Even if only an hour, it cuts into my eating time because I like to be eating dinner at 6 ideally. If I eat too much too close to bed, I don’t sleep well and I’m pretty much a grandma and go to bed at 9:30 most nights. That is what you do to wake up at 4:45 to get to the gym. At least for now it is still light outside when I get home and with it cooling down, (please summer don’t go) I can open my patio door and get some fresh air through my apartment which is definitely a plus and saves me from running the AC.
Do you meal plan?
Do you like big breakfasts?

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