Wow what a great weekend this was!! It was a quiet day in the office Friday. Maybe summer Fridays are like that. I left at 4:30 for a date night with myself. Do you ever date yourself? It’s really important to have that time to yourself and treat yourself.
I had an acro yoga workshop at 6pm not too far from my office and even though I brought some leftovers for a light dinner, I decided to check out Le Pain Quotidien. It was definitely a bit pricey, but I finally tried avocado toast. I lack a toaster/toaster oven at home so can’t really make toast. I also treated myself to a mint lemonade. I LOVE fresh mint so I couldn’t turn it down when I saw it on the menu.
I loved the decoration of the place and I thought it was more of a Panera type place where you order and then they bring your food, but really you are supposed to sit down and they bring your the menu. Then you pay when you are finished. Great service, delicious food and lemonade. I will definitely go back when I want to treat myself again.
After that I walked around for a bit, enjoyed the warm weather and then headed to Acro Yoga. I have been wanting to do an acro yoga workshop for a while, but could never find one that worked for my schedule. I was so excited when I happened across this one a week ago and got a discount, even better!! The two hours flew by and some poses were definitely a bit scary. I found myself preferring flyer vs base. The base person has to be on the bottom holding the flying in some way or another. Mostly it’s your bones holding the person but you do have to be quite engaged and every little movement you have to move together to keep steady. By the end of the 2 hours, we all gathered in a circle saying what we learned about Acro Yoga since most of us were new to it. There is a lot of trust between you and your partner(s) and you can not always talk to them about what will happen next, so you kind of have to feel it out. I don’t think any of us were ready to leave at the end, we wanted to keep going. Luckily I wasn’t in a rush since my train was in an hour so I stayed a bit and did some acro with the instructor.
It was a late night and time to get to bed after I got home.
Saturday was quite a day. I was up early since the sun rises so early and had me up before 7am. I headed to the grocery store and then it was time to take my car to get looked at. My luck and tires…I have been filling up a tire once a week and knew I needed to get it checked out. The place was busy so he said he needed about 4 hours with my car. Luckily my gym is next door so I headed over for a swim. Since I wasn’t in any hurry and the swim felt good, I pushed myself to 2.4 miles (170 laps of 25 yards, 160 swim and 10 kick, done in sets). It wasn’t continuous but little breaks. I did 50 swim, 4 kick, 40 swim, 4 kick, 30 swim, 2 kick, 20 swim, 20 swim. It took me a total of 1.5 hours. By the time I was done swimming, I checked on my car and they were just pulling it into the garage, so off to the mall I went in search of a snack. I had eaten before the swim but didn’t expect my car to take so long so I didn’t have a snack with me. I purchased 2 protein bars and while I only planned to eat 1, I ended up eating them both as it was another hour before my car was ready. At this point I feel like I have had every possible part replaced on a tire, from getting nails and screws in tires to the tire pressure gadge going bad after 5 years in the tire and Saturday it was the valve on one of the tires. Luckily it was only a $20 fix and I hope it is good to drive next weekend.
Saturday afternoon included some meal prep, pool time (meaning I sat and read by the pool mostly) and watching Good Witch on Netflix.

Sunday morning was all about meal prep as I had the oven on with temperatures outside reaching 90 degrees…I know not the smartest. I turned off my AC until I was done with all my cooking and bonus I don’t need to cook during the week because everything is done. After cooking I clearly wasn’t hot enough and decided to do a bit of yoga outside. 10 minutes into it and I was sweating.
I headed to teach my class at noon and then afterwards, relaxed while I ate lunch and got ready for the pool. My car said it was 97 degrees at 1pm but our high was 90 degrees. In summary, it was hot, but no complaints as I got into the cold pool water to cool off and enjoyed the sun and reading. I have now finished all my leftover sunscreen from the summer and our February Florida trip so onto the new bottles. It takes a lot to sunscreen your whole body and by yourself.
In the evening after dinner I finished up season 1 of the Good Witch. I hope season 2 will be on Netflix soon because I am totally hooked on this show. Every episode leaves you with a cliffhanger. I literally watched 2 episodes last weekend and the other 8 this weekend. Now back to my no watching tv in the mornings on work days as it worked well last week. Actually I made it 5 days without Netflix or TV, which was impressive and will see if I can continue that for Monday-Fridays to be more productive with my time.

What did you do this weekend?
Do you ever have date nights with yourself?

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I always think acro yoga sounds SO cool, but I’m way too scared to try it myself – probably should start with, you know, normal yoga or somethign..
I think you can start with any yoga you want, though it definitely helps to be familiar with yoga terms like bridge pose for a base. There was a guy in the class with no yoga experience, but his girlfriend dragged him along and I think they really enjoyed it.
I’ve been wanting to try acro yoga!! I’m trying to get my husband to do it with me so I can have a partner I know, haha
I really want my fiance to try it with me too. I think it is great to get your significant other involved as there is a lot of trust involved.