Tuesday morning (Feb 2) was our first full day in Florida after arriving Monday evening. We took the 8:20 bus to Disney from our hotel location. From the transportation area we needed to catch another bus to Magic Kingdom. We arrived at 8:55, 5 min before the park opened which was perfect. We got our passes and headed into the park.
We walked into the park and turned left. Brian noted that we (us humans) are so programmed to turn right first, so he chose to go left and it was a great idea as no one was really around that side of the park yet. We were the first ones on the Pirates of the Caribbean and Splash Mountain rides. Then we headed to the mountain roller coaster next to splash mountain. I was a bit nervous waiting as I couldn’t even remember the last time I was on a roller coaster. I don’t go on the upside down ones, but will go on some others. This one wasn’t a huge stomach dropping roller coaster and once I let myself relax a bit and not worry I was able to enjoy it.
Interesting tid bit: I was so nervous and stressed before the ride and afterwards, I think it finally clicked, I am on vacation and I felt so much better throughout the rest of the day.
We then took a raft over to Huck Fin’s island. Explored the area and came back.
Next we headed to Haunted Mansion, which had a bit of a line. While in line, we decided where to book lunch. Thank goodness for Wifi everywhere! I was last at Disney World when I was 13 years old so a lot has changed in 12 years with technology.
Before lunch, we had a bit of time and decided to head into the It’s a Small World ride. From my last visit I remembered briefly going on Splash Mountain and Haunted Mansion, but I probably remember the It’s the Small World ride the most because my dad video taped it back in the day and we used to actually watch our home videos. [Now we need to work on converting them from mini video tapes, but that’s a different story. ]
For lunch, I read online prior to going on our trip that it is nice to get out of the park and eat at the Disney resorts. They were definitely right. Since it was just the two of us, it was fun to splurge a bit. Prices were pretty reasonable, we were just hungry and both got appetizers, entrees and dessert. After lots of walking in the morning, my turkey sandwich on sunflower bread was amazing, as was the fall harvest salad and the most amazing chocolate dessert. Highly recommend the Disney’s Grand Floridian Cafe.
After lunch we headed back on the monorail and then boarded the train in the park to get off at Fantasy Land. We waited in a very long line for the seven dwarfs roller coaster which also wasn’t too bad. Then we headed to Tomorrowland. Brian wanted to go on Space Mountain which had a huge line so instead we first went on the People Mover. That was cool to get a glimpse of all of Tomorrowland. Then we headed to the Monsters Inc laugh academy followed by a Lilo and Stitch show.
From there we headed to the speedway and drove some cars, which was rather difficult since we got cars with steering wheels on the left and pedals on the left. Good thing the cars were on tracks. Lol
After that, Brian waited in the Space Mountain line while I walked around. I ended up catching the end of a show going on at Cinderella’s castle.
Then they had a dance parade which was fun and Brian ended up getting off the ride when the dance parade ended and we eventually found each other in front of Cinderella’s castle.
We headed back to the mountain roller coaster which was about a 30 min wait. Going on it in the dark was definitely a bit more scary but I survived. By then it was 7pm. We explored the Swiss Family Robinson tree house and then decided to get some fries to tie us over to hang out until the 8pm fireworks. I explored the massive gift shop thinking about a few gifts I want to get but didn’t buy anything yet. Then it was time for the quick show before the fireworks and fireworks to end the evening.
We took a ferry to the transportation area and then got an Uber back as it was easier than trying to remember when our bus was coming. (We actually learned on Day 2 that our bus doesn’t come to the transportation area that we were at, but rather to Epcot, good thing we didn’t look for it)
It was a long day as we got back at 9pm. I usually don’t eat so late but we didn’t have dinner, so I ate a bit of the food we bought. We had a full kitchen at our hotel/condo. After eating, we changed for the pool and enjoyed the hot tub for a while and swam in the pool briefly and then back to the hot tub before heading back to the room and calling it a night. Woo..what a busy day. Our feet were tired. My fitbit said I walked 19K steps! Look for day 2 at Disney coming soon.

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