Happy first Monday of 2016!! Did you finish setting your goals for the year yet? I am still brainstorming some and I need to write them down so I don’t forget them. I did write down some of my blog goals though. I am participating in The Blogger Project’s blog challenge this month.
I did have a great weekend though. It was really nice that New Year’s Day fell on a Friday this year so that I could enjoy a 3 day weekend. I got some much needed sleeping in time and also got back on track with my workouts.

Thursday evening for New Year’s Eve, Brian met me in the city. I got out of work shortly after 3pm and walked to Reading Terminal to get a donut with Brian, pre dinner appetizer right?! The line was the longest I have ever seen it, but it moves fast and it was delicious!
Then we walked around for a bit until our dinner reservations at 5pm at Le Castagne. Brian loved my pick. I am so glad that I have work lunches that bring me to different restaurants around the city.
After dinner we headed over to the Franklin Museum to see Star Wars in IMAX. I think I have seen bits and pieces of Star Wars but can’t really recall. Brian told me I looked really into it though and I was. It was good that I didn’t have to have complete knowledge of the previous movies to see this one. I enjoyed it.
By the time we took the train home, it was nearly 11pm. It wasn’t long until midnight but I barely made it. I’m pretty sure I might have fallen asleep for 20 minutes or so. Once we watched the countdown, it was off to bed.
New Year’s Day was pretty laid back. Slept until 9am, got up and ate, took a mini nap, had lunch and then headed to the movies. Yes I took a nap after sleeping in. I was really tired apparently, or maybe just lazy for the 1st day of the year. Brian and I went to see Sisters, which I saw over Christmas and LOVED! I rarely go to see a movie twice while it is in theaters, but this one I wanted Brian to see and I wanted to see it again anyway, it was sooo good! Brian was dying laughing and still laughing in the afternoon and evening thinking about the movie.
We then ran some errands, decided on dinners for the weekend and bought groceries and then headed home to start cooking. We made fajitas for dinner and mixed up some drinks. We were both too tired to mix drinks New Years Eve when we got home at 11pm, so we had drinks New Year’s Day. I made this citrus cocktail. I have found that I love citrus flavors.
I used the Bai bubbles Grapefruit sparkling water as the base of the drink. My first time trying those sparkling waters and it was really good. They will be nice treats in the future as they are a bit pricey.
It was another late evening just staying up and talking, which I enjoyed. We don’t get much time to talk in person so we treasure the time we have together.
Saturday morning I tested out my new waffle iron that Brian’s parents got me. It is small, but the perfect waffle size to me. It took a couple tries, but finally we got a good one. It will definitely take practice to get the timing right.
Then I headed to the gym for a swim. The pool water was really warm which made it hard to swim, because my body just felt so relaxed. I pushed through the first hard 30 laps and then it got a bit better. A few sets later and I was finally at 120 laps which seemed like a good place to stop for the day seeing as I wanted energy for the rest of the day.
Once I got home, Brian ordered Chinese food and we had lunch. Then we headed out to the outlet mall. We were driving and driving and we ended up way past the outlet mall, but then after pulling over and checking the map, we were not too far from another outlet mall so we went there instead. Brian wanted shoes but this outlet mall didn’t have the store he was looking for, instead, I ended up leaving with 4 shirts and a pair of pants… The pants were a little pricey even after the discount, but I didn’t have any navy blue pants or straight leg so at least it is a different style. I also picked 2 old shirts from my closet to get rid of and replace with my 2 new casual shirts.
We had our dinner cooking in the crock pot, so when we got home, we dug into the bbq pulled pork and had dinner while watching 30 Rock on Netflix.
Sunday morning, I made myself a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and then headed out to the gym shortly after 9am. I wanted to get my squats in and increased by another 10 lbs. YAY!! My legs were jell-o by the end of the workout.
I decided Sunday was cleaning day. I worked on taking down the Christmas tree, vacuuming and cleaning up the kitchen. I had overflowing recyclables since Christmas, but our bins have been overflowing since then too. Luckily with a big apartment complex, I realized that one recycling bin at the other end of the parking lot wasn’t being used. It amazes me how lazy some people are. There are 2 garbage bins and 2 recycling bins next to each other at the other end of the lot, but I think because of the way the garbage bin is facing it makes it harder to open the top and so instead the first bin is overflowing… So I finally got some steps in, in the afternoon, carrying multiple loads to the farther recycling and trash bins.
I was really happy that Saturday and Sunday were finally really sunny. Even if the temps were a bit chilly, the weather was decent for this time of year and the last 2 weeks I have hardly seen the sun with all the rain and clouds we have had. It really makes a difference in my mood when it is sunny.
Now it is time to start this new year and back to 5 day work weeks, but working on some vacation planning to look forward to as well.
Did you do anything fun for New Year’s?

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