Hello everyone and happy Monday! I am glad this is the last 5 day work week until 2 weeks of holidays and nice and short work weeks. This weekend was marvelous because it was nice and warm out and I made my apartment more Christmas feeling.

Friday evening, I got home from work and Brian and I headed out to get a tree. We found a perfect $20 little tree for our apartment.
We then stopped to get some Chick-Fil-A for dinner. The traffic was crazy Friday night and it felt like it took us forever to go the 4 miles to Chick-Fil-A.

We ate there and returned home to watch 30 Rock until we both fell asleep and finally moved to the bed.
Saturday morning we slept until just past 7. I made some pancakes and bacon for us and then we took our time getting moving and eventually headed to the post office around 9:30. I mailed some Christmas gifts and then we ran errands and stopped at the mall for lunch.
When we got home, I made some flourless blondies for my potluck. They turned out well, even though I used a blender. Then we made a quick trip to the grocery store.
I was so tired after all the running around that we took an hour nap, hung out and then drove to the city for my potluck with my fellow yogis. I finally had a reason to wear my new sweater dress except that it was 65 degrees out so I wore it and just didn’t need a jacket. We took a group photo but I don’t have a copy yet.
Sunday was laid back, though I headed to the gym in the morning. Then I made the dough for my gingerbread cookies, my annual tradition. It was nearly 70 degrees (well I heard we reached 72, breaking a record) and I put on my flip flops and tank top and got in some yoga outside. Is this really December?!?
We spent the afternoon in Peddler’s Village walking around the cute little shops. Of course we had to get cupcakes and they had a spice place were I picked out a chocolate sugar spice. YUM!
All the restaurants were packed and it was only 4pm. We ended up going a bit down the road for food, but were a bit unsatisfied. The prime rib was pretty dry that Brian got and my pizza was soggy.
I got home and baked my gingerbread cookies which didn’t turn out as planned…maybe I needed more flour and to make them a bit thinner…They were still tasty though.
Then it was time to pack a lunch and watch another Christmas movie on Lifetime and wind down the evening.
Do you have any Christmas traditions of baking cookies or anything?
Was the weather warm by you this weekend? I certainly enjoyed it.

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I have such a crush on Chick-fil-a. i need to go now!
I didn’t try it until this year and I’ll admit I love it, but save it for the times when my bf comes down. It’s a place we can agree on that is close by lol