Happy Monday! My weekend wasn’t too busy but I sure worked out a lot! At least I balanced the workouts with a good amount of sleep too 🙂

As soon as I made it home Friday, I showered and went to bed. Such an exciting life..
Saturday morning I slept until 7:30 or so and had a quick bowl of cereal before heading to the grocery store. Then I had a second breakfast/early lunch of cheese, ham and crackers and some Spark because I was yawning way too much. I got in my pre workout by carrying all my winter tires to my car and then headed to drop off my car for its state inspection, winter tires and oil change. I figured it was easier to get everything done at once so I won’t have to worry about giving up another Saturday for a bit. So even though I made an appointment, the guy said it might take 4-5 hours for my car…so I downloaded the Uber app in case I wanted to go home and not spend forever at the mall next store.
My gym is actually next to the car place so I walked over there and decided to go for a swim. A long swim! With the power of Spark and thinking “I can do this” and counting my laps, I made it to 2 miles (140 laps) plus an additional 10 laps kicking. I really don’t know how I did that after killing my legs in spinning Friday evening, but I did. I was sooo happy. I haven’t swam 2 miles in one session since my last year in college (2012). Usually I run out of time or I get a cramp or something else stops me, but Saturday I made it through. Almost an hour and a half of swimming and I was tired, obviously.
After I got dressed, I noticed a miss call on my phone from the car place and I was slightly freaking out worried my car didn’t pass inspection or something was wrong with my tires. As I drank tons of water and munched on a protein bar, I found out they were just having trouble finding my insurance card. I forgot to put the new one in the red envelope I got last year. Whoops. So I walked back over there and by the time I got there, they had found it and about 15 minutes after that my car was ready. So it thankfully only took them about 2.5 hours and I was swimming for most of the time, so the timing worked out perfect which I was happy about. They even said my car looks great and I am taking great care of it. Always nice to hear that!
I headed home, found some food to eat, drank lots and lots and lots of water (really I couldn’t get enough) and parked it on the couch for the afternoon. I was tired and debated a nap, but I don’t take naps and after eating and drinking lots I was doing better. A few hours on the couch then some stretching time and before I knew it, dinner.
I also whipped up a quick batch of cookies after dinner.
To end the evening, I watched a movie and then read for a while on the couch. My legs needed the rest and I was happy to relax quite a bit.
I finally got nearly 10 hours of sleep on Saturday night which was wonderful. Sunday morning called for pancakes, so I whipped up some Flapjacked carrot spice pancakes with bacon. Loading up the protein!
Then I headed to the gym. I really wanted to get my squats in. I had to wait and bit and tried my best to do lunges while I waited, but my balance was totally off Sunday morning. I got through it though and finally got to use the cage for squats. I still get bothered by how messy the weight area is. One guy next to me was lifting and then suddenly he walked out not even putting his weights back. That just bothers me and that’s why you can’t find any weights around the area.
Mid morning I headed to Kohls since I had a coupon to use. I figured I would get a gift for a friend and then I found some candles for myself. Since my current apple one is almost gone, I needed a replacement and this pine one just smells like a Christmas tree. I can’t have a real tree in my apartment as it is not allowed, but this year I really am planning to get a little tree, burning this candle will be nice for my favorite scent of Christmas though.
While I was out and it was approaching lunch time, I decided to head to Panera because that sounded better than making something at home. I got the Power Kale Chicken Caesar salad to go, so good. I love the Parmesan crisps on the top, really where can I buy those?
Sunday afternoon I got some stuff in order, trying to clean up and maybe list a few things on Ebay soon. Then spent some time reading and meal prepping. I also dug out some Halloween movies like Halloweentown and Hocus Pocus seeing as we are on the 13 nights until Halloween countdown now.
However I did have to toss my pumpkin outside and it was getting moldy inside. Oh well, out there for the squirrels and got some good pictures of it last weekend.
What’s your favorite candle scent?
Are you getting ready for Halloween?
If you belong to a gym or weightlift, does it bother you when others don’t put their weights back?

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Well that looks like the right amount of errands and relaxing for a weekend!:)
Fave candle scent = Christmas Cookie from Yankee Candle. They may have changed the name.
Halloween = YES!
I was a personal trainer for many years. It used to REALLY bother me when people didn’t put their weights away. It doesn’t bother me that much lately; I know that I do the right thing by putting my equipment back.
MMM christmas cookie sounds like a great candle scent, though I feel like it might drive me to eat more sweets LOL. I always try to put weights back where they were so at least the next person can find them. I can’t control what other people do and so if you leave your weights unattended for a while, at least it’s free game for me to use.