This is the last recap of our Bermuda trip.
On Thursday morning, I wasn’t feeling that great. I was up half the night because I was so hot and had a headache. After taking some tylenol, I eventually fell back to sleep around 6am and Brian and I stayed in bed until 9. We took it easy and we weren’t in the sun too much on Thursday which helped me. After a lazy morning, we headed to the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute. This was another museum type place and it was very interesting. We learned about the invasive lion fish. We took a simulated dive and stepped into a shark cage that rattled as if you were being attacked by a shark. The only pictures I took in the whole place, as I really was just soaking in all the information and staying in the present moment, was a couple of the amazing shell collection.
I think we spent about 2 hours going through the whole museum and then we enjoyed lunch at the restaurant they had.
We then headed back to the apartment, resting and taking a short nap, which I really needed. Eventually we got up and put on our swimsuits and headed down to Elbow Beach, this time to swim. However it was a bit cloudy and breezy so it felt perfect on the beach, but cold in the water. I mostly stayed on the sand but went in the water once.
For dinner, we picked up some snacks from the gas station and ate what we had in our mini fridge. We watched a movie while eating and then read in bed for a while. I was excited to finish another book, doing better on reading more this year.
Friday was our last day on the island. I started out feeling better than Thursday and definitely slept better. We packed our bags and headed down to our beach one last time. The morning was a bit cool but as the sun rose, it got warmer. It was certainly peaceful. I love just listening to the sound of the waves crashing in.
We headed back up the 125 steps from the beach for the last time and then showered and got ready to leave at noon.

We dropped off our scooter and then our host kindly drove us to the airport. I was so glad to have about 6 days disconnected from everything and just spending time with Brian. I loved exploring the island and I think we got to see quite a lot for 5 days with also having lots of down time to relax. Maybe you just have lots of down time when you don’t spend it all browsing the internet… I was sad to go, but I was also ready to get back to my regular routine, minus work would be nice, but at least I still had two more days to sleep in and relax. Of course I spent a lot of that time lying around. When we got home Friday evening, I had a fever and stomach bug, and basically slept on the couch until we headed to bed at 9. Brian had to go back to work so he left Saturday morning and other than a trip to the grocery store, because I had no food in my fridge, I stayed in on Saturday and felt much better by Sunday at least, but still took it easy.

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