Hey guys!! I was just looking to see the last time I did a What I Ate Wednesday post and it was my Valentine’s dinner…that was only ages ago.
Speaking of ages ago, remember the time before Wifi existed?! Yeah, so I currently don’t have Wifi. I think my router broke again. Only the second one in just over a year. Apparently the apartments I choose to live in kill routers. Well, the first router was probably made in China and those things don’t last. The second router was an old one my boyfriend had laying around and suddenly it doesn’t seem to be working. The lights are all on though, so it’s strange. When my last router broke, I was trying to unplug everything and re-plug it back in and as soon as I re-plugged the router back in, BAM no lights, dead, just like that. It was less than a year old, so I told my boyfriend to see if there was some sort of warranty on that. Very unlikely he will ever follow up with that. I mean it was probably $20-30 on Amazon. I don’t know, but anyway, I am at least able to put up a post, because I have a desktop computer and my internet cord is plugged right into the modem and the internet jack thing that is in the wall. At least in this apartment, the modem and internet jack are in the corner with my desk and not on the opposite side of the apartment, so there are no tripping hazards with a long internet cord being strung across the living room floor into the bedroom because that is what is looked like at my last place when the router broke.
The downside to this no wifi thing is that I am getting behind on my yoga challenges on Instagram #firstworldproblems. I have internet on my phone of course through my cell carrier but my Instagram app on my phone doesn’t like to post my pictures. I have yet to figure out why and have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times, so I usually rely on my tablet which only works with wifi…too bad I don’t live walking distance from the library or Starbucks anymore. I will have to bring my tablet to work and find a free wifi spot during lunch or something, maybe? I mean there is only 1 Starbucks each block in the city…
Anyway I am getting slightly side tracked, but lunch = food, so let’s get back to the food topic. This is what I ate on Sunday.
I began with a bowl of cereal with almond milk and some sausage on the side. I think I might be getting tired of oatmeal, but I usually switch things up on the weekend with cereal or pancakes anyway.
A couple hours later, I ate a Luna bar before heading out to catch the 10:20 train to the city to assist with Yoga on the Banks.
When I got home around 2pm, it was time for a late lunch. I had a lot of spinach to use up so I made a quick spinach and tomato salad with balsamic and a turkey and cheese wrap. I have been loving wraps for a quick weekend lunch.
There was also some unpictured granola and a couple homemade chocolate chip cookies that I made Saturday.
I then headed to the pool for a while in the afternoon before coming home and making dinner. Despite the 90 degree temp outside, I turned on the oven and roasted some brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes while cooking a hamburger and making another spinach side salad.
For dessert I had a protein chocolate chip granola bar (honestly these are my favorite homemade granola bars, I make them once every other week or so) from the new batch I also made while the veggies were roasting.
There may have also been some more cereal and granola snacked on. It’s hard to think about a picture when I have my hand in the bag… I was really in a carb mood this weekend, but always make sure to get some veggies in the mix too. All about balance.

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