Another weekend gone too fast. Friday was the first day of Spring and we got at least three inches of snow….
That picture is from when I got home after yoga teacher training on Friday night. There was no snow in the morning when I left. So it didn’t really feel like Spring with the cloudy snowy weather :/
Friday night I had yoga teacher training. The 3 hours went by quickly with going over our homework and next assignment. Just one more paper to write and then time to study a bunch for the final. Then we had a student led class that was nice and relaxing for a Friday evening class. Then we talked about mudras. I need to print some pictures so I remember what each one is, but it was definitely interesting.
Saturday morning, the roads were good and the sun was out, quickly melting the snow away. I drove to Wegmans for my weekly groceries. I am trying to not buy too much lately since I am moving so I have been eating a lot of meat from the freezer that I have stocked up. While I was at Wegmans, I came across a display of coconut water and the lemonade flavor caught my eye. I know that coconut things are so good for you (or at least that is what I hear) but I really can’t stand the scent or taste of coconut, so I just can’t use coconut oil or flakes. I even bought coconut flour once and that had a strong scent too. I am sure if someone made me something with coconut flour it would be fine. However, back in December, I had coconut milk chai which was actually pretty tasty and the coconut milk didn’t seem to have a strong scent or taste of coconut, so I thought I would give coconut water a try when I saw the lemonade flavor. I also bought a regular one as well as I have seen some green smoothies made with it.
Once I got home, I put half of the lemonade coconut water with some mango and strawberries I had in the fridge, added some ice and blended it up. It was a nice refreshing drink and I can’t say I tasted the coconut so it was fine by me. I was drinking it pretending it was summer as I stared outside to the winter wonderland…
Basically before yoga on Saturday and Sundays, I try to eat and drink tons of water all morning. I set my alarm for 7 so I have 4 hours before catching the train. Between my walking to the train, waiting, taking the train, etc, I have at least 1.5 hours to digest food and I never know when our breaks to eat will be so I find it works best for me to just eat constantly and drink tons of water before. That was another reason for my picking up some coconut water because I hear it is good for hydration and staying hydrated is something I struggle with especially on Saturday’s at yoga.
Moving onto yoga, we began with an hour practice that was student led. It was a great flow class! Then we discussed awkward situations when teaching and it made me question why am I doing this again, but it is helpful to discuss certain topics and ask our teacher, what did you do or what would you do. We then had a 3 hour Power Yoga workshop. So we began with an hour of Power Yoga and then talked about the basic structure of a power yoga class. I had never done a power yoga class before so it was interesting for me. The funny part was that our student led class had a very similar sequencing, so I guess the positive to that was we were warmed up for this sequence. I have heard if you do a class and then do it again later in the day, you might be able to get deeper from having that opening.
After that workshop, I stuffed my face with food. We didn’t really have any good time to eat Saturday which was kind of annoying. After eating we were headed right into backbends and adjustments so we were told not to eat too much, but I was hungry and my stomach was crampy so I needed the food. I actually felt better after I ate and the backbends weren’t too intense, not like a backbend workshop or anything.
Then the day was over, just like that. Once we ended I was thinking tomorrow is Sunday already. The weekend was ending so quickly.
By the time I got home, I talked to Brian on the phone and headed to bed.
Sunday morning I got up and could already feel the soreness from the Power Yoga on Saturday. I then made myself some protein pancakes and sausage and spent some time foam rolling out my soreness.
Then I used the rest of my lemonade coconut water to make a blueberry smoothie.
The rest of my morning was spent watching movies, writing and relaxing before heading out to catch the train to yoga.
For yoga training on Sunday we had a student led practice and then meditation. The last part of our meditation series. I will miss those on Sunday. Now we only have two weekends left of training. The end is coming up quickly. We are now on “spring break” from the training though so I have 3 weekends “free” and then back to back weekends in April. Now I just look forward to this weekend as I will be treating myself to a much needed massage Saturday and then packing up to move.

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