Happy Monday!! Actually I should say happy March!! February was snowy and cold but I still think it went by pretty quickly. So far March started out with snow and freezing rain yesterday…not the start I was really hoping for. At least it is supposed to get above freezing again on Wednesday and maybe the sun will come back by the weekend.
Saturday was a beautiful sunny day, lots of the ice was melting. I had tons of places to go Saturday morning. First Whole foods before the crowds then the bank, post office, eye doctor to pick up my contacts, Target and Wegmans. I accomplished all of that in 3 hours so that was my morning. Then I put together some lunch, a vegan quesadilla from Cassey @Blogilates. I love beginning my morning with one of her videos, her energy and getting my body moving helps to start my day even if it isn’t a full workout, but just 10 minutes to get my abs sore or something before I grab my breakfast. So then I saw that she had 6 avocado recipes and I loved the vegan quesadilla idea. I didn’t have any nutritional yeast so I left that out. I added lime juice on top of the avocado though and then topped with arugula that I meant to put inside but forgot. Still worked. Delicious and simple to put together.
After eating, I had some time to review my yoga sequence before heading over to the studio to practice my sequence with a couple of the trainees. My actual teaching day is Saturday. It was good to run through it with people first and they gave me lots of helpful tips. Hopefully I can come up with more cues and ways to engage with my trainees so that they know I am there. I think those were my biggest issues and then a couple minor transitions to fix and add more hip opening. It is challenging to teach without going through the sequence yourself, but something that comes with practice I am sure. I can say I feel so much more confident teaching than I did way back in October when training began. Now I am more relaxed and know a bit more about what I am talking about I guess. 🙂
Sunday morning I got up early, had breakfast and headed to the train station. I was so confused on what day it was yesterday. I was heading to yoga but without my mat. I bought a yoga towel to go over the studio’s mat since I knew I was going to the flower show afterwards. The yoga class was great and I try to pay close attention to the cues to give myself ideas for my own teaching. From yoga I headed to the Philadelphia convention center for the Flower Show.
I had never been to a flower show before but the theme was Disney and apparently the Philadelphia Flower Show is THE flower show to see. It was cool to see the different displays and guessing the movie. Though it was absolutely packed with people so there were times I literally could not move with people all around me.
You entered into a movie theater like display with flowers all around. Then I walked around and here are some of the highlights. You will see below, Tarzan, Peter Pan, Fantasia and Mulan.
More Disney Princess’…Ariel has all the glass bubbles, Belle with the rose, and one of my favorites was the magic carpet from Aladdin. How beautiful is that?!?
Can’t forget Cinderella’s glass slipper!
Then of course dead center you had the Frozen display. Poor Olaf is melted and then the snowflakes hanging read Let It Go.
So funny story while I was at this display taking pictures, I heard someone shout out “Can someone take our picture?” I happily volunteered and there was a group of 4 people, a guy and 3 girls. After taking a few pictures of them, I asked if they would take my picture. The guy said “sure, who do you want in the picture with you.” When I responded just me, he asked if I was alone to which I said, yes. He said, “join us”. So after he took my picture I joined their group and we walked around the flower show. Yep I joined complete strangers, but it was fun. We didn’t have too much more to see. We skipped the whole shopping section. They wanted to head to the pop up beer and wine area so I went with them even though I don’t really drink. I bought a hamburger and did taste one bubbly wine. It tasted like wine…yeah I am not a drinker. After that we had seen everything and parted ways. Gotta love when you meet random people. I am now friends with them on Facebook too. Maybe they will find this post one day.
By the time I got out of the convention center, the snow changed to ice. That was kind of painful on my face, but luckily the train station was close by. I then got home and worked on yoga and blogging.
Definitely a busy weekend! It went by too fast and I would normally count down to next weekend but since I am teaching yoga, I am not really counting. I am excited and nervous. I am just going to try to be myself, cue what I can and hopefully it will go smoothly.
Hope everyone enjoys their week! Hopefully we get some warmer temperatures around here and more sunshine!! I am so ready for spring and summer.
Have you ever been to a Flower Show?

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