Hey guys, I think I blinked and the weekend went by. Does anyone else feel like that? Anyway this weekend it was back to yoga training after having a month off! I will be honest and say at first I was not too excited, but once I got into the studio on Friday night, I was happy to be back with everyone and spend my evening with my fellow trainees. With all the free time the last few weekends I was beginning to run out of things to do. I even started reading my next yoga book over a week early, which I found necessary, knowing that with work 5 days a week and trainings every other weekend, I would have less time and wanted a head start.
All I can say right now is, I am SORE! My back, shoulders, hamstrings…so sore. I am writing this Sunday night so I can only imagine how it will be worse once you are actually reading this. It has only been just over 24 hours since our very intense practice Saturday. Usually the 48 hours after an intense workout is when it hits me.
Well the end of my work week was not the best, due to some things going on at work and finding out that I will be attending a funeral this coming Wednesday. On the bright side I get to see my boyfriend earlier than expected, but obviously not under the best circumstances. January is moving by so quickly already and with all the things I have on the calendar, I can only imagine how soon February will come, but let’s get back to this weekend.
Friday after work I took the bus and walked over to the yoga studio. Well actually I walked to a tea place and enjoyed some mint tea and my dinner I brought with me before yoga. We then spent our few hours Friday discussing our recent homework and writing up a sequence for a class. Then we spent some time practice teaching. I felt much more relaxed when practice teaching with a partner compared to when we started.
Saturday morning I did my usual grocery shopping early before yoga teacher training and just some quick errands. Then it was teacher training for the remainder of the day. We started by going through a full beginner sequence for Ashtanga yoga. Man that was tough!! So many jump throughs and jump backs. I can do about 1 of each and then reach my limit. Even though I didn’t do those, I still did half push ups for chaturangas for most of them and my shoulders definitely felt that Sunday. I think we were practicing for 2-2.5 hours. We were all pretty much dead afterwards. Then we got those dreaded anatomy tests back. Good news, I got a passing grade, but definitely a lot of things I need to review for when the final comes in April.
Later in the afternoon, we talked about special cases, like pregnancy, in yoga and about yoga injuries. Then we were able to relax as we learned a couple restorative poses and partnered up.
After I got home Saturday night, I immediately spent some time foam rolling. My legs have just been so stiff lately and with all the practicing we did in training, I knew it would be good to roll out a bit before going to bed.
Sunday morning was fairly laid back. I like to keep Sundays as relaxing days. I made a quick trip to Whole Foods since my recycling pile was overflowing (my apartment doesn’t have recycling so I drive it to Whole Foods since I have to shop there anyway and they have bins). Then I made a half batch of The Healthy Maven’s Detox Veggie Soup. I didn’t have all the veggies available and I didn’t have diced tomatoes so I improvised a bit with a whole tomato. It turned out really well and was very easy and quick to make which is just what I like. I have honestly never been a soup person. I don’t know if I have ever had chicken noodle soup actually…when I was sick I’d drink water and eat crackers and bread if anything. Only in the last year or so I tried minestrone soup and I liked that. Canned meat kind of scares me and meat in soup that is canned doesn’t sound good to me, so I only buy veggie soups. Since this soup turned out well, maybe one day I will make a soup that contains meat. For now though, I am really liking this soup as it is easy and a perfect hot meal for the cold winter days.
Sunday afternoon was more yoga teacher training. We went through standing balance poses and practiced adjustments on each other and then came up with another sequence using those poses. The afternoon went by so quickly and like I said at the beginning, I blinked and the weekend was over.
I did have a few hours to relax and wind down Sunday evening before the start of the week which is always nice.
What is marvelous is just being back in the routine of things after the holidays the last couple weeks. We are now back to 5 day work weeks and yoga training weekends and even though it is busy, it is nice to have that routine again.
Thank you Katie for hosing!

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1st time blog visitor- love your blog! I have been trying to do more yoga as well – what type do you do or what type are you going to teach?
Thanks. I am doing a vinyasa style training as it is the style I am most familiar with. I am also hoping to teach restorative yoga in the future.
So glad you were able to get ahead with the reading! Sorry to hear about the funeral