So I meant to have this post up yesterday but honestly I was just exhausted on Sunday night. For some reason I didn’t sleep well over the weekend and with yoga training, it was very busy. Actually I have just felt so busy since last week I lose track of which day it is and yet my mind is always hoping it is Friday. Last week I was happy when Friday finally arrived. Our yoga training began with 1 hour of yoga practice, then discussing our homework and practicing some seated asanas. The three hours went by quickly. Even though I get home late from training, my mind races with my to do list and suddenly I am distracted from getting ready for bed. I eventually made it to bed sometime after 11pm Friday night.
Saturday morning I did my grocery shopping and then felt pretty lazy. Usually on yoga weekends I have my 4 hours in the morning to be super productive whether it is food prep for the week, laundry, cleaning, etc. This past Saturday I caught up on tv shows, ate and relaxed and took some fun photos.
I just wasn’t feeling very motivated. At least my energy came back when I got to training and we started with our 1 hour practice. Then we had a long, but interesting discussion on the Yoga Sutras. After trying to read and absorb all the info in the sutras over the last month, it was nice to have a long discussion. Definitely lots of things that can be incorporated into living a more positive life which is what I enjoyed about it.
Then we had our main food break. I have found it really hard to eat enough during yoga weekends. Since I leave at 11am, it’s too early for lunch, but then I don’t get home till about 9pm which is too late for me to eat anything. I bring healthy food with me (usually sausage or turkey with some veggies) to eat, but I also don’t want to over stuff myself, because then when we just do a few poses afterwards, I would not feel great. What I focus on a lot is drinking enough water, because otherwise I definitely get dehydrated. I didn’t get a chance to share yoga weekend 2 since I was having internet problems for a week but the Saturday of training I suffered from a headache that got progressively worse throughout the training making it really hard to focus and I know dehydration was a big role in that. This past weekend I actually drank a packet of rehydrate from Advocare before leaving. I felt that helped a LOT for Saturday’s long day. I just ordered some more in a different flavor and I think I will be drinking a packet each day I have training. If you are interested in Advocare, I learned about it through Becky.
The remainder of the training day was spent doing seated twists and learning some more yoga history. Overall the day really did fly by. I love the structure of the program so far and how you will sit and discuss something for maybe 2 hours, then break, then do some poses, then another discussion. The way it is broken up really helps to stay focused, because 7 hours could seem really long otherwise.
When I got home Saturday night, again, I could not get to sleep right away. I caught up on reading blogs and chatting on the phone with Brian before putting on Gilmore Girls on Netflix to fall asleep to.
Sunday came and I did not have anything planned for the morning other than relaxing. I have found on yoga weekends, it is nice to get my errands done Saturday morning and then I usually meal prep Sunday morning but with the short week, I just decided to kind of wing it with the food I bought for the week. So instead I started looking at a ton of old photos and was trying to think about Christmas gifts until my internet decided to stop working at 10am…but luckily it bounced back quickly. Ever since getting it reconnected, I have been having issues at what seems to be peak hours of the day when everyone is online. However Brian thinks it could be the router going bad, so going to try getting a new router soon.
Anyway my 4 hours on Sunday morning felt soooo long. Like I kept staring at the clock thinking it’s only 10am, I have over an hour before I have to leave. It was nice to have the time to relax, but I was also tired which unfortunately continued through yoga, but at least the day was only 4 hours. We started with a 1 hour class again and this one was TOUGH. I think we were all surprised because we had this thought in our minds, it’s Sunday, so we should do a gentle practice, but that was not it at all. I could not believe how much I was sweating and we were holding down dog and planks for so long, my hands were sliding on my mat (which doesn’t usually happen with my Lululemon mat). I was wishing I had a towel for my hands through practice. But I made it through and we spent a good portion of the day working on some sequencing, transitions and practice teaching. Even though I notice what a teacher says, more than I used to, during a practice, when I am trying to teach, I don’t remember all the little details to give my student. I am glad we start practice teaching right away though and hopefully throughout the training I will figure out better cues.
Before I knew it, my weekend was over and I left saying “see you in December” to my fellow yogis, which was so weird to think about, just how close December is and the fact that it is Thanksgiving week. It still doesn’t feel much like Thanksgiving week to me, maybe because I am not at home and won’t be going home. I hope that the weather will be ok Thursday and then I will drive to my boyfriend’s family and spend a night, but mostly I look forward to the days off of work to focus more on yoga.
However after the weekend and intense classes we did, my knee needs some rest, so last night I spent the night icing, foam rolling and stretching. I think I need to do stretching and foam rolling more with the intense weekends. My legs felt lighter afterwards. Sometimes you need to listen to your body and rest, even though it is really hard. I know this post is really wordy. I am hoping one weekend I will get actual pictures at training, but for the most part, I spend that time unplugging from social media, etc.

Sharing is Caring:

Is it weird that I adore how passionate you are about yoga? I just find it to be absolutely incredible 🙂
Thanks so much Jessie!!