It’s Thursday!! This week is definitely feeling longer than last week. Just two more work days to get through before my final weekend of freedom (aka before yoga teacher training takes up every other weekend). I absolutely love these thinking out loud posts, so linking up with Amanda again for some Thursday fun!!
1. Today is October 16th, which means we are half way through the month already. I don’t even know how that happened. It feel like just yesterday October was just beginning and I was having the best weekend with my boyfriend and seeing my college roommate get married. I know that was only 12 days ago, but still…
2. Today also marks 4 months into my new job. Well…I am still enjoying it, so that’s good haha
3. 10 weeks from today is Christmas Day!! Wooahh!! I know many of you probably did not want to even know that, so sorry…I am not even sure what my plans are since I have to work Christmas Eve…
4. So on Sunday I took the AC out of my window knowing that management was coming on Wednesday to turn on the heat and help people take out their ACs. I could have used some help…but management never realized I had an AC. They charge an extra fee per AC since utilities are included in our rent and they did their AC count in May and I didn’t get one till June so somehow lucked out on that one and didn’t want them to see my AC yesterday so I took it out on Sunday while it was a beautiful day outside.
5. As much as I want it to stay in the 70s and 80s outside, now that my AC is out and my apartment is over 80 degrees, I am kind of wanting the cooler temps now. Another note, even though the heat has been “off” all summer, it leaks and my boyfriend had to turn the valve in our apartment for the living room heat to be completely off and the bathroom heater has no switch so it’s been a nice heated bathroom all summer and now the heat in the bathroom is on full blast. I am keeping the door closed to the bathroom and the window open (which I hate that I am wasting so much but can’t do anything about it). Basically the bathroom is at least 85 degrees and soon will be our sauna. Meanwhile fans are running non stop throughout the apartment to try to keep it somewhat cool.
6. Hot apartment means popsicles after dinner to cool off.
7. Yesterday I wore a lot a pink. Quoting from Amy, “On Wednesdays we wear pink” even if we aren’t in crossfit. Though it was actually a complete coincidence that it was Wednesday that I decided to wear pink and my pink hair and my new bracelet from PaleogaMomma matched.
8. This weekend I am attempting (hopefully succeeding) in getting a PA license and registering my car. Wish me some good luck and hoping it doesn’t hurt my bank account too much. It has been a never ending list with things for my car lately. Next up, snow tires, to hopefully make me feel safer driving around here in winter.
Do you have any exciting plans this weekend?
10 weeks till Christmas?!?! No.freaking.WAY! Omg that’s so exciting. Does that mean I can bust out the decorations?!
It’s funny because Halloween is in a few weeks and it seriously doesn’t feel like it at all… But I’m more than happy to get excited over Christmas 
LOL I am more excited about Christmas too. I want to get myself a mini Christmas tree for my apartment and decorate.
Ouch, registering cars and dealing with all that is a lot! 10 weeks until Christmas?! Oh gosh I need to get a move on with gifts!
Yes the car registering and insurance has been a long process, but slowly getting there. I can’t believe how close Christmas is either. I need to start shopping too
Don’t even get me started on how soon Christmas is coming.
Yes I just keep embracing the Fall temps here, but we had our first frost advisory and I pulled out my winter hat today which is not cool. Hope you are enjoying the soon to be summer weather.