Over the weekend I started getting a cold. Luckily my sore throat felt better on Monday but I still had an annoying runny nose at work all day and a clogged head. I came home from work and I was soooo hungry suddenly. All I really wanted was some honey bunny grahams and dark chocolate. I didn’t have either of those though and didn’t feel like driving to the store, so then I thought of pancakes and chocolate chips. That sounded delicious and that was what I ended up having Monday night for dinner along with an apple and peanut butter. I have been on a peanut butter kick lately too.
Tuesday, I went out at lunch to buy a sinus rinse from Walgreens since I used to have one at home but I don’t think I packed it and needed something to clear my head a bit. I came home from work and used it right away and I could breathe through both nostrils again and was so happy. My head still felt a bit clogged, but I know in time it will get better. Then it was time to think about dinner. I still wanted honey bunny grahams and dark chocolate. I decided to head to Whole Foods, as I also wanted a grapefruit and since I eat grapefruit for breakfast, my supply was getting low. Sadly they were out of bunny grahams, but I did pick up some dark chocolate and grapefruit (which happened to be on sale and I didn’t notice till checking out!!) to satisfy that craving. I had the most random plate of food for dinner.
So basically I haven’t been wanting to eat meat for dinner (I do eat sausage with my breakfast and honey ham with my salad for lunch), but maybe today I will dig into the chicken I made over the weekend as I don’t want it all to go to waste. I also made veggies over the weekend and so that why I have some random broccoli on my plate. One thing I have noticed since getting this cold is I want ALL the carbs!! I bought some oyster crackers at Whole Foods to have with my dinner and some dark chocolate. I told you it was completely random, but I like to honor my cravings. I eat everything separately and it works for me.
I ended my Tuesday evening with some yoga poses for a cold. I searched online and found a few poses recommended to relieve sinus congestion and I have to say even just holding each of these for 30 seconds (except the headstand that was probably like 2 seconds) it did help relieve congestion for a bit. Even though I don’t have the energy for a full hour long yoga class right now it was nice to do a mini sequence from online.
Thank you Jenn for hosting!!
Do you honor your cravings? What do you crave when you aren’t feeling well?

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So sorry about the cold. My husband has been dealing with sinsuses/cold himself as well. Having a clogged nose & feeling like your head is about to explode has to be the worst. Feel better darling!
Thank you Jessie! Finally started to feel better towards the end of the day yesterday, but you can still hear it in my voice.