Hello!! Let’s bring back the Currently posts huh. Time flew by in May and June is going by quickly too. I wanted to share some things and a Currently post seemed like a good fit. Let’s jump right in.
Current Book: I just finished How Full is Your Bucket by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton. It was a very quick and inspiring read that I would recommend. I actually heard about it on Janae’s blog. In addition to that book, I am currently reading Feels like Home by Olivia Miles on my kindle. Another series book that is only $3.99 for the kindle edition.
Current Podcast: I don’t have any new podcasts to share, but I have been catching up with From the Heart: Conversations with Yoga Girl
Current Guilty pleasure: somehow some dark chocolate peanut butter cups slipped into my cart at the grocery store the other day…
Current drink: Raspberry lemonade or half lemonade/half iced tea for summery drinks
Current Food: chicken stir fry, made a batch for the week
Current want: Another Lululemon sports bra. I love the energy bra, but I want to try the Free to be bra. I want to try it on in the store though to make sure I love it
Current obsession: My couch!! I love having our couch back and being in the new house just lounging on it to read or watch Netflix. Nothing like your own furniture and space.
Current craving: time in the sun, which I got lots of over the weekend, even with a sunburn to prove it
Current excitement: Blogfest next week!! I can’t believe how quickly it came up and I can’t wait for some more inspiration and networking with other bloggers and doing some workouts and learning.
Current TV show: Good Witch, discovered this show while I was traveling last year and just finishing up the third season that is on Netflix now. The 4th season is currently on TV, but I don’t have cable.
Current mood: relaxed
Tell me…
…your current TV show?
…current excitement?
…current want?

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