Hey, look at that, two posts in a row!! Hopefully I can keep this up.
We caught up yesterday on house projects, which by the way, I just finished painting the third and final bedroom, HORRAY!! I still need to paint the closets in the bedrooms, but at least that is a small space. Only room left to paint is the living room and my boxes are a bit in the way for that, so that is on hold for a while. However, I am quite pleased, it only took me 2 weekends and some time in the evenings and I got all the painting done, including the ceilings in all the bedrooms. Brian did 1 ceiling and we did the first coat of paint in the first bedroom together, but I took over from there painting when I could. I also painted all the white trim in the garage which has to go up. I can’t wait to see (and share) the final looks of all the rooms once furniture arrives and we finish the floors and everything.
This past weekend was a busy one. I had my tap recital. My first recital in 6 years!! We had an evening show on Saturday and an afternoon show on Sunday. I was always used to just one show night, so it was different having two. On Saturday night, Brian’s mom came and brought me flowers beforehand. Oh and Maple Syrup from near her house.
It was nice to have someone there to watch me since my parents are far away and Brian was out of town for work as well. I watched the first half and then found the dancers and hung out until it was our turn. We didn’t even practice beforehand, but I didn’t mess up the part I thought I would, so it went well. We were the second to the last dance, so it was a long night of waiting around. The show started at 6pm and we ended around 9:30pm. I was actually a bit nervous on stage, but I think we did really well.
On Sunday, I met up with Brian’s mom for breakfast, which was perfect as the big breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon kept me full for a while. I then got to painting before making a couple phone calls in the morning. I enjoyed some leftover vegan mac and cheese I made which turned out so good, made with some veggies in the sauce.
After watching a bit of Netflix, it was time to shower and get ready to dance, round 2. I came 2 hours into the show since we were again the second to the last dance performing. I had plenty of time to actually review the dance this time. I feel like when you are down to show time, sometimes it is better to just go for it. My feet seem to know the steps as soon as the music plays, but not having the music makes it so challenging. Plus, just like with final exams, you can only study so much before it’s time to say, ok I need to just take the test and get it done.
We got a final group photo, which was great! I ordered a photo from the pictures we took a few weeks back at the studio but there were a few people that didn’t make it for the photo, so it was nice to have everyone.
I would say I did even better at the Sunday show than the Saturday one, but both went well. I’m happy I joined the tap class, though I won’t lie when I say it was hard to get out the door at 8pm to dance on Thursday nights. I don’t think I will be doing it next year just with school and wedding planning going on. We will see how it goes, but it’s nice to know the studio is there and has adult classes. I also realized through this that my heart is more into powerlifting and weightlifting these days. I love tap dance and will always enjoy watching dance, but as you grow, your loves change and I can only focus on so many things at once and work a full time job, so I have to pick and choose and I still choose weights as number 1 right now.
What’s your favorite way to move your body?

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