A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post on what to pack for backpacking and mentioned a first aid kit. If you are traveling for a long period of time, you hope that you won’t get sick or hurt, but I find it is better to be prepared. I keep a small first aid kit that is always ready for when I go on a long trip. Below are the basics that I pack in my first aid kit, as well as a couple items we added along the way. I hope you find this helpful for your next trip.
- Tylenol and Advil / Ibuprofen – I bring both Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Most of the time, I just use Tylenol if I have a slight headache or something. I like having both since sometimes people are allergic to ibuprofen and then I have the Tylenol on hand too.
- Bandaids – I had little bandaids and then I went to get a pedicure in Australia and they accidentally scraped too much off my heel so I had to buy some giant bandaids for my heel (only because the little ones did not stay on my heel). Moral of the story, don’t get a pedicure…or have multiple sizes of bandaids.
- Anti itch cream – I don’t know about you, but bugs LOVE me. Anti itch cream is a MUST for me when I go anywhere. I also prefer the Benadryl brand which is slightly more expensive but works well for me. I did have to buy another tube of anti itch cream in Australia as well.
- Bug spray – While we are on the topic about bugs here, bug spray is also a great one. We picked up this natural bug spray made with almond oil and essential oils in Australia. We also got the more toxic ones because let’s face it, the bugs love me. The essential oil one though was great for soothing the bug bites we had as well, so up to you what you choose.
- Antibiotic cream – Used this for my heel (see above under bandaids), but other than that didn’t need it. Just an essential for a first aid kit in my opinion.
- emergenC – Vitamin C!! Vitamin C!! So important when you travel to load up on this stuff, especially after being on planes and buses with loads of people. I brought like 30 packets of this and used every one. I didn’t take it everyday but took it around a lot of travel days when I felt like a cold was coming or something.
- Thermometer – I just feel like this is another essential for a first aid kit to see if you have a fever or not. Especially if you are in a hot climate, I find it can be hard to tell.
- nail clippers – I don’t know if people usually keep these in their toiletry bag, but I keep them in my first aid kit. Somehow I find them easier to find.
- sea band/sea sick pills – I used both sea sick pills and the sea band on our boat trip. I also took pills for some bus rides. Twisty turny roads and being on boats makes me not feel great so they were a big help.
- Gloves – For some reason we had a box of gloves and when we were moving in December, I decided to place some in the first aid kit where they belong. Probably not super necessary, but obviously could be good if camping and such.
Additional items
- Zarbees (not pictured) – this is another vitamin C drink for sore throats and colds. I had a few packets I brought and used them when I felt like I was getting sick.
- Arnicare Gel – I got this free sample at Wanderlust and it’s for muscle pain and swelling from bruises. I didn’t use it on my trip so I can’t speak of it working, but I thought it would be good just in case. Now that I think about it, I should have used it for my huge boat bruise I got.
I feel like this list covers the basics for a first aid kit. If you are traveling somewhere remote, I would make sure you are stocked up. If you are going to a city, like Sydney, you don’t have to worry too much if you forgot something since there are plenty of drug stores around. I just think as always, better to be safe than sorry.
Let me know what you think about this list and if there are any items you feel I missed.

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